Calderdale College (Education): ICO 18 May 2021

The complainant has requested information about the highest scoring applications in response to a tendering exercise. Calderdale College disclosed some information and withheld the reminder under the exemption provided by section 43(2). The Commissioner’s decision is that the College is entitled to withhold the information under section 43(2). However, the College has failed to address that part of the request which seeks the identities of ‘assessors’. The College also breached the requirements of section 10 and section 17 when responding the request. The Commissioner requires the College to take the following steps to ensure compliance with the legislation: In response to that part of the request that seeks the identities of ‘assessors’, issue a fresh response in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
FOI 17: Complaint upheld FOI 10: Complaint upheld FOI 43: Complaint not upheld FOI 1: Complaint upheld


[2021] UKICO IC-46864




England and Wales


Updated: 31 October 2022; Ref: scu.662991