Ormiston Academies Trust (Education): ICO 24 May 2022

The complainant made a multi-part request for information to Ormiston Academies Trust (the Trust) on 24 November 2021. The Trust responded on 17 December 2021 to parts 1-6 of the request but asked the complainant to remake parts 7-10 of the request at a later date as the Trust had already occurred a cost of pounds 175 responding to parts 1-6 of this request and a previous request dated 9 November 2021. Whilst the Trust did not formally apply section 12 FOIA (cost limit) or section 14 FOIA (vexatious requests) to parts 7-10, it did ask the complainant to bare these sections in mind. Subsequently in the internal review dated 17 March 2022 the Trust responded to parts 7-10 of the request to the complainant’s satisfaction. The complainant has asked the Commissioner to investigate whether the Trust breached section 10 FOIA (statutory time for compliance) and section 16 FOIA (advice and assistance) in the handling of this request. The Commissioner considers that the Trust breached section 10 FOIA in the handling of this request but does not consider there was a breach of section 16 FOIA in this case. The Commissioner requires no steps to be taken.
FOI 10: Complaint upheld FOI 16: Complaint not upheld


[2022] UKICO ic-168695




England and Wales


Updated: 12 July 2022; Ref: scu.678465