Obasa v Buckinghamshire County Council: EAT 23 Feb 2012

EAT PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Striking-out/dismissal
The Employment Tribunal struck out the Claimant’s claims on the basis that, as a result of threatening emails sent to the Respondent’s primary witness, a fair trial could not be had. The ET did not hear evidence about what had happened from the Claimant or the witness on the basis of what the ET said was agreement between the parties. The Claimant disputed that there had been such agreement.
Held: After hearing the Claimant and the witness give evidence, that there had been such agreement, that the ET had correctly directed itself on the law and had reached a permissible conclusion.


Jeffrey Burke QC


[2012] UKEAT 0506 – 11 – 2302




England and Wales


Updated: 06 October 2022; Ref: scu.452495