Halseys Case Touching Recusancy: 1605

The case in the Exchequer-chamber touching the payment of the Kiiigs Majesties debt due for the recusancy of John Halsey, its recusant convict deceased with the lands and goods bought in the name of John Grove, and Richard Cox defendant in this court, that ,John Halsey was indicted and convicted for recusancy the i8 day of July, anno 23 Eliz. and so remained convicted without submission till his death, who died the last day of March, 3 Jac. and after his conviction, viz. after the 40 year of the reign of the late Queen Elizabet did purchase with his own money divers leases for years, yet to come of lands in the countie of Worcester, and Warwick, in the name of Richard Cocks for himself in trust, and likewise did with his own money purchase certain leases for years, yet to come of lands in the county of Hereford, in the name of the said John Grove, all which purchases were in trust for the recusant, and to his use; Margaret Field is his next heir, who is no recysant, John Halsey hath not paid 201. a moneth since his conviction, nor any part thereof, these lands and leases were seised irito the Kings hands, for the satisfaction of the forfeitures due for the recusancy of the said Halsey, 14 August, 5 Jac.


[1605] EngR 25, (1605-1611) Lane 104, (1605) 145 ER 335



Criminal Sentencing

Updated: 18 May 2022; Ref: scu.424348