Inland Revenue Commissioners v Hawley: 1928

When a legatee of shares received them more than a year after the death, he was not treated as receiving all the accrued dividends as income of the year in which the shares became vested in him, but rather, by relation back to the death, in the year in which each dividend accrued.


[1928] 1 KB 578

Cited by:

CitedJemma Trust Company Ltd v Kippax Beaumont Lewis (A Firm) and others CA 11-Mar-2005
The defendant firm of solicitors, acting as executors had sought to arrange matters to minimise Inheritance Tax. A deed of variation was put in place after approval by the court, but the CTO interpreted the deed differently. The executors believed . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Income Tax, Wills and Probate

Updated: 13 May 2022; Ref: scu.223514