Proctor v Bulstrode; 7 Feb 1742

References: [1742] EngR 24, (1742) 2 Coop T Cott 534, (1742) 47 ER 1291 (C)
Links: Commonlii
LORD CHANCELLOR in this case, that where there is a power to grant a rent charge for life, and the rent is given during widowhood, it is a good execution of the power, for it is an estate for life. Like grant of a jointure during widowhood in bar of dower, it is a good jointure by the statute E27 Hen. VIn. c. 101. Power was to grant an annuity of 250 per annum. Grant of one of £40 per annum is a full execution ; and the extent of it could not after be made up by a subsequent execution for the rest, the first being a complete execution.