Regina v Chandler: CCA 5 Feb 1964

Appeal from convictions of causing a public nuisance by inciting others to cause a public nuisance by obstructing the highway and two counts of himself causing a public nuisance in the same way. He was said to have lead demonstrations in London, attempting to breach police lines. The fundamental question was whether after the exercise of the undoubted right to seven peremptory challenges a prisoner has the right of going through the panel asking prospective Jurors to stand by before having to show cause.


Lord Parker LCJ, Paull, Widgery JJ


(1964) 128 JP 244, [1964] 2 QB 322, [1964] EWCA Crim 1, [1964] 1 All ER 761, [1964] 2 WLR 689, (1964) 48 Cr App Rep 143




England and Wales

Crime, Criminal Practice

Updated: 30 May 2022; Ref: scu.653257