S v South Gloucestershire County Council and Confrey: Admn 19 Jun 1998

Gilliatt Leave to appeal out of time against SENT’s decision. The Tribunal itself had formed the view shortly after hearing a case that their decision might be flawed, due to a decision of the Court of Appeal coming to their attention. They contacted the appellants indirectly and encouraged them to apply for a review of the tribunal’s decision. In fact the appellant should probably have appealed. The court held that this was a proper case to allow an extension of time since the parents had been misled (unintentionally) into taking and not seeking legal advice immediately.


Mr Justice Hidden


[1998] EWHC Admin 653, [2000] ELR 315



Cited by:

CitedDC v London Borough of Ealing UTAA 11-Jan-2010
Tribunal procedure and practice (including UT) – statements of reasons . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 27 May 2022; Ref: scu.138774