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Re F and H (Children): CA 24 Aug 2007

The father sought leave to appeal a care order and an order releasing his child for adoption.
Held: The court applied Re W as to the extent of the duty of the appellate court in such matters. The appeal would stand no reasonable prospect of success. Leave was refused.


Wall LJ


[2007] EWCA Civ 880




Adoption and Children Act 2002, Children Act 1989


England and Wales


CitedRe W (Children), GW (The Father) Litigant in Person CA 26-Jul-2007
The father sought to appeal an order with respect to contact with his children, alleging ‘that the reasons he is not having contact with his children are a combination of maternal deceit, the deliberate alienation of the children from him by their . .

Cited by:

CitedIn re F (A Child) (Placement Order); C v East Sussex County Council (Adoption) CA 1-May-2008
The father sought to revoke a freeing order. He said that the social workers had conspired to exclude him from the process. The child was born of a casual relationship, and at first he was unaware of the proceedings. On learning of them he sought to . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Children, Adoption

Updated: 12 November 2022; Ref: scu.259133

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