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Legg v Goldwire; 10 Nov 1736

References: [1736] EngR 81, (1736) Cas T Talbot 20, (1736) 25 ER 637
Links: Commonlii
Coram: Talbot LC
By Lord Chancellor Talbot – Where articles are entered into before marriage, and a settlement is made after marriage different from those articles (as if by articles the estate was to be in strict settlement, and by the settlement the husband is made tenant in tail whereby he hath it in his power to bar the issue), this Court will set up the articles against the settlement; but where both articles and settlement are previous to the marriage, at a time when all parties are at liberty, the settlement differing from the articles will be taken as a new agreement between them and shall control the articles. And although, in the case of West v Errissey . . afterwards in the House of Lords, in 1727, the articles were made to control the settlement made before marriage, yet that resolution no way contradicts the general rule; for in that case the settlement was expressly mentioned to be made in pursuance and performance of the said marriage articles, whereby the intent appeared to be still the same as it was at the making of the articles.

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