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University of Oxford and others v Broughton and others: QBD 10 Nov 2004

The claimants sought injunctions to protect themselves against the activities of animal rights protesters, including an order preventing them coming with a wide area around the village.
Held: The orders made were justified with the additional requirement that the defendants should not photograph the claimants.


Grigson J


[2004] EWHC 2543 (QB)




England and Wales


CitedMonsanto Plc v Tilly and Others CA 30-Nov-1999
A group carried out direct action in protesting against GM crops by pulling up the plants. The group’s media liaison officer, while not actually pulling up plants himself, ‘reconnoitred the site the day before. He met the press at a prearranged . .
CitedAmerican Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd HL 5-Feb-1975
Interim Injunctions in Patents Cases
The plaintiffs brought proceedings for infringement of their patent. The proceedings were defended. The plaintiffs obtained an interim injunction to prevent the defendants infringing their patent, but they now appealed its discharge by the Court of . .
CitedCream Holdings Limited and others v Banerjee and others HL 14-Oct-2004
On her dismissal from the claimant company, Ms Banerjee took confidential papers revealing misconduct to the local newspaper, which published some. The claimant sought an injunction to prevent any further publication. The defendants argued that the . .
CitedDirector of Public Prosecutions v Dziurzynski QBD 28-Jun-2002
The defendant was an animal rights protester who had been accused under the Act of harassing the company and its employees.
Held: The act was intended to be used to protect individuals, and not companies. Two incidents were alleged, but no . .
CitedThomas v News Group Newspapers Ltd and Simon Hughes CA 18-Jul-2001
A civilian police worker had reported officers for racist remarks. The newspaper repeatedly printed articles and encouraged correspondence which was racially motivated, to the acute distress of the complainant.
Held: Repeated newspaper stories . .
CitedRegina v Mann CACD 6-Apr-2000
The defendant having pleaded guilty to an offence under the Act, involving repeated calls to the staff of a residential home, and having been sentenced, was also made subject to a restraining order that he should not ‘contact or communicate with any . .
CitedM. Michaels (Furriers) Limited v Askew and Others CA 25-Jun-1983
The court heard an appeal against injunctions granted in an animal rights protest context against named Defendants on their own behalf and on behalf of other members of an unincorporated association.
Held: Appeal denied. Care had to be taken . .
CitedBurris v Azadani CA 27-Jul-1995
The court addressed the principles upon which a Court will grant interlocutory injunctive relief in harassment cases.
Held: Both the High Court and the County Court had jurisdiction under the 1981 and 1984 Acts to grant interlocutory . .

Cited by:

See AlsoUniversity of Oxford v Broughton and others QBD 26-May-2006
. .
See AlsoUniversity of Oxford and others v Broughton and others CA 15-Aug-2006
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Litigation Practice

Updated: 27 June 2022; Ref: scu.219935

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