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The Attorney-General, At The Relation Of Freer, Thompson, Flower, Lucy, Ford, Greaves, and The Mayor, Aldermen, And Burgesses of The Borough of Stratford-Upon-Avon County of Warwick,; 17 Jul 1851

References: [1851] EngR 722, (1851) 3 Mac & G 453, (1851) 42 ER 335
Links: Commonlii
Ratio A railway company was constituted in 1846 for the purpose of making a railway from A. to B., with a diverging line to C. In June 1851 the line of railway from A. to B. was nearly completed, but no steps had been taken to construct the diverging line, An information was then filed by the Attorney-General, at the relation of certain parties claiming to be interested in the diverging line, to restrain the company from opening the line from A. to B, except with the intention of oompleting also the diverging line. Held, upon demurrer, that the neglect by the company to complete the whole line could not be regarded in the light of a public injury so as to warrant the interference of the Attorney General.

Last Update: 01-Jun-16
Ref: 297038

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