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Robbie the Pict, Regina (On the Application of) v Crown Prosecution Service: Admn 24 Apr 2009

The defendant appealed against a conviction that he had driven a vehicle through a red light contrary to the provisions of section 36(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and related regulations. He said that the Gatsometer device was not an approved device as required, saying that the 1991 Act required any such approval to be confirmed by Order in Parliament.
Held: The argument proposed departed from the clear meaning of the statute. The Deputy District judge had correctly found it to be a prescribed device.


Davis J


[2009] EWHC 1176 (Admin)




Road Traffic Act 1988 36(1), Road Traffic Act 1991 23, Road Traffic Offenders (Prescribed Devices)(No 2) Order 1992

Road Traffic

Updated: 04 August 2022; Ref: scu.374726

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