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Regina v The Commissioners of the Thames and Isis: 1837

In 1833 Lord Boston complained to the Commissioners about the construction of the Cut above Hedsor Water on the Thames. The Commissioners did not act on the complaint. Accordingly Lord Boston claimed compensation from the Commissioners for the loss of income from the towing path on his estate occasioned by the Cut. The Commissioners defended the claim, but the Buckinghamshire Court of Quarter Sessions awarded Lord Boston andpound;1,000 compensation in respect of loss of income from his towpath, andpound;120 in respect of money expended on his stables and andpound;200 as costs. When the Commissioners did not pay, Lord Boston applied in the King’s Bench for an order of mandamus and in 1836 such order was granted.


(1837) Law Reports Journal, Vol xv pp 17-23, (1837) 15 LJ Rep 17

Cited by:

CitedRowland v The Environment Agency ChD 19-Dec-2002
Public rights of Navigation have since time immemorial at common law existed over the Thames including (unless and until extinguished or ceasing to be exercisable) Hedsor Water. The claimant sought a declaration that rights of navigation over that . .
CitedRowland v The Environment Agency CA 19-Dec-2003
The claimant owned a house by the river Thames at Hedsor Water. Public rights of navigation existed over the Thames from time immemorial, and its management lay with the respondent. Landowners at Hedsor had sought to assert that that stretch was now . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Transport, Land

Updated: 09 May 2022; Ref: scu.187528

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