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Re D (A Child): CA 31 Oct 2017

The court considered an order effectively depriving child D of his liberty.
Sir James Munby P FD, David Richards, Irwin LJJ
[2017] EWCA Civ 1695, (2018) 160 BMLR 61, [2018] 2 FLR 13, [2018] COPLR 1, [2018] PTSR 1791
Mental Capacity Act 2005, European Convention on Human Rights 8
England and Wales
Appeal fromBirmingham City Council v D CoP 21-Jan-2016
D was a young adult with several disorders presenting challenging behaviour. The Hospital sought arrangements allowing control over him for his care and eucation. . .
CitedIn Re K (A Child) (Secure Accommodation Order: Right to Liberty) CA 29-Nov-2000
An order providing that a child should stay in secure accommodation, was an order which restricted the child’s liberty. A justification for such a restriction had to be brought within the exceptions listed in article 5.
Held: Detention for . .

Cited by:
Appeal FromIn re D (A Child) SC 26-Sep-2019
D, a young adult had a mild learning disability and other more serious conditions. He was taken into a hospital providing mental health services. The external door was locked, and a declaration was sought to permit this deprivation of his liberty, . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 14 August 2021; Ref: scu.598462 br>

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