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Quantum Corporation (Patent): IPO 14 Nov 2012

The application related to method of storing data in a computer. The method relied on de-duplication of the data such that only one copy of the data is stored. If an attempt is made to store a further copy of the same data then instead of storing that same data again, a pointer to the first copy of the data is stored instead. The invention applied different de-duplication methodologies depending on certain characteristics of the data.
Applying the Aerotel/Macrossan test, the hearing officer decided that the contribution made by the invention fell solely within excluded matter. The application was refused as being a progam for a computer as such.


Mr P Thorpe


[2012] UKIntelP o44212, O/442/12, GB1021747.9




Patents Act 1977 1(2)

Intellectual Property

Updated: 09 November 2022; Ref: scu.466501

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