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Family - From: 1999 To: 1999This page lists 44 cases, and was prepared on 02 April 2018. In re KR (Abduction: Forcible Removal by Parents); FD 1999 - [1999] 2 FLR 542 Krenge v Krenge [1999] 1 FLR 969 1999 Family, Jurisdiction The power in an English court to stay family proceedings here in favour of a foreign jurisdiction exists independently of any statute. 1 Citers Re M (Contact: Family Assistance: McKenzie Friend); CA 1999 - [1999] 1 FLR 75 Wicken v Wicken [1999] 1 FLR 293 1999 Family Recognition of foreign divorce. 1 Citers Roberton v Roberton 1999 S L T 38 1999 Scotland, Family Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1991 1 1 Citers Re A Debtor (No.488 IO of 1996), JP v A Debtor [1999] 2 BCLC 571 1999 ChD Sir John Vinelott Insolvency, Family The debtor had been ordered to pay his wife a sum by way of ancillary relief in matrimonial proceedings. He then proposed an IVA, which was approved at a creditors meeting. W had notice but did not attend. She along with all other creditors was to receive a part payment in full and final settlement. She applied to revoke the approval. Held. She succeeded. She wife had a right not enjoyed by other creditors namely the freedom to assert her claim following the husband's bankruptcy notwithstanding the husband's discharge which right would be overreached if she was compelled to accept a dividend under the IVA in full and final settlement of her entitlement. She had been unfairly prejudiced to the extent that her special position had not been recognised. Insolvency Act 1986 262 1 Citers B v B (Occupation Orders) Times, 05 January 1999; Gazette, 13 January 1999 5 Jan 1999 CA Family A court which ordered a violent husband to vacate the family home to allow his wife and child to return erred in not allowing for the interests of children in the house through second relationship. These particular interests had to be given priority. Harpal Singh Purba v Hardev Kaur Purba [1999] EWCA Civ 578 15 Jan 1999 CA Family Application for leave to appeal against award in ancillary relief case - granted. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] D-R v D-R and Another Times, 08 February 1999 8 Feb 1999 CA Family There is no presumption as between an adult child and a parent, of any right of contact in favour of the adult, even where the child suffered some mental incapacity. The court looked to the adult with disabilities' best interests, including all the circumstances, of the case. In Re M (A Debtor) (488-Io of 1996); ChD 10-Feb-1999 - Gazette, 03 March 1999; Times, 10 February 1999 Haneef v Haneef [1999] EWCA Civ 803 17 Feb 1999 CA Family Application for leave to appeal out of time against ancillary relief order - applicant in prison at time of order. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Ann Deborah Alban Davies v Ifor John David Davies [1999] EWCA Civ 890 4 Mar 1999 CA Family, Legal Professions The marriage was unhappy. The wife consulted briefly but did not instruct a solicitor, Mr Tooth. Some 7 years later as divorce proceedings were considered, the husband did instruct Mr Tooth. She sought to prevent him acting, but then wanted to withdraw her summons. The husband would only agree if she paid the costs. She refused. Held. The summons was quite properly issued. There was a real matter to be considered. The point of view of the petitioner wife was put forward moderately it seems to me. It was met with a very strong rebuff which indicated that, come what may, the respondent husband was going to seed the dismissal of the matter with costs. There remained a real and not just fanciful risk of conflict. The husband's appeal against the costs order failed. 1 Cites [ Bailii ] Sanctuary Housing Association v Donald Campbell Times, 01 April 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1030; [1999] 1 WLR 1279 18 Mar 1999 CA Lord Justice Thorpe Landlord and Tenant, Family The claimant had granted a secure weekly tenancy of a maisonette to Mrs Campbell, which she occupied with her husband and children. Mrs Campbell then left the maisonette, leaving the husband in occupation. The husband made a proposal to the claimant whose substance was that he should be given the tenancy of the maisonette, but the claimant refused, saying that once Mrs Campbell was re-housed it would require vacant possession. Mrs Campbell was re-housed, although not by the claimant, and she then wrote to the claimant saying that she was giving up the maisonette and asking what she should do with the keys. The claimant's response was that she must empty the maisonette of her possessions before returning the keys and that until such times as the keys were returned she would be liable for the rent. Her response was that she could not do this because her husband remained in possession and had changed the locks. She enclosed her own keys with her letter. She asked to be given the opportunity to remove her own possessions from the maisonette once her husband had vacated it, following which the claimant wrote to the husband asking him to leave. He did not, and so two months later the claimant sued him for possession. Held: A wife who is a sole tenant has the full right to determine a tenancy even though her husband occupied the house at all material times, and even though this operated to deny him rights he would have against her under the Act. There had been nothing equivocal about the wife's or the claimant's acts and there had been an implied surrender of the wife's tenancy to the claimant. Lord Justice Scott: "If both tenant and landlord are unequivocally treating a tenancy as at an end the law has no business to insist on its continuance." Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Tee v Tee, John Arthur Hillman Co; CA 22-Mar-1999 - Gazette, 27 October 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1056; [1999] 2 FLR 61 Burrows v Burrows Gazette, 24 March 1999 24 Mar 1999 FD Family An award was made for the husband to pay 50% of maximum lump sum and periodical payments of half pension income and other payments. This reflected the wife's contribution through the marriage, allowing the husband to build his business. Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 25B 25C 25D 'F' v Child Support Agency; Admn 25-Mar-1999 - Times, 09 April 1999; Gazette, 28 April 1999; Gazette, 12 May 1999; [1999] EWHC Admin 262 Penelope Ann Pohl v Colin Sandford Pohl [1999] EWCA Civ 1170 14 Apr 1999 CA Family Husband's appeal against ancillary relief order. [ Bailii ] Sandra Simmons v Rajah Mackie Simmons [1999] EWCA Civ 1263 26 Apr 1999 CA Family, Trusts [ Bailii ] Practice Directions (Family Proceedings: Costs) Times, 04 May 1999 4 May 1999 FD Family Family Courts will continue to have jurisdiction under the Inheritance and the Trusts of Land provisions. The new CPR rules on costs will apply in the Family Courts where the nearest similar procedural steps will be applied for this purpose. Civil Procedure Rules Rule 2.4 Margaret Ruth Clarke v Malcolm Benjamin Clarke [1999] EWCA Civ 1353 6 May 1999 CA Family [ Bailii ] In Re B (Child: Property Transfer) Times, 10 May 1999 10 May 1999 CA Family A court order in divorce proceedings transferring property to a wife 'for the benefit of the child' meant no more than for the good of the child and did not create an trust in the child's favour. The child received no part of the proceeds of sale. Julie Ann Burne Against Johnny Dave Burne [1999] EWCA Civ 1380 11 May 1999 CA Contempt of Court, Family Appeal against sentence for breach of non-molestation order. [ Bailii ] Marja-Liisa Butler v Michael Alan Butler [1999] EWCA Civ 1405 13 May 1999 CA Family [ Bailii ] Fletcher v Fletcher; CA 13-May-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 1406 George Nowell Clark v Julia Oriska Lambe Clark [1999] EWCA Civ 1581 15 Jun 1999 CA Family [ Bailii ] Sammeh Saiid Jaffar v Ruth Anne Jaffar [1999] EWCA Civ 1589 15 Jun 1999 CA Family [ Bailii ] Josephine Gay v John Sheeran, London Borough of Enfield Times, 30 June 1999; Gazette, 28 July 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1621 18 Jun 1999 CA Family, Housing The ability for a court to order the transfer of a secure tenancy between partners under the Act depended upon the court first making an occupation order in favour of the party from whom the tenancy was to be transferred, but the order could be made on the same occasion. To make an occupation order the tenant had to be entitled to it at the date of the application and the hearing. The Act required also that for a transfer to be made, the applicant had to have one of the rights specified. The applicant did not have such a right, and a transfer could not be ordered. Family Law Act 1996 36 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Piglowska v Piglowski; HL 24-Jun-1999 - Times, 25 June 1999; Gazette, 07 July 1999; Gazette, 20 October 1999; [1999] UKHL 27; [1999] 3 All ER 632; [1999] 1 WLR 1360; [1999] 2 FCR 481; [1999] 2 FLR 763; [1999] Fam Law 617 Nylund v Finland Unreported - 29 June 1999 29 Jun 1999 ECHR Human Rights, Family Sometimes the relationship between a child's unmarried parents will be so exiguous that there will be no ipso jure family life as between the natural father and his child. But family life may nonetheless be shown to exist: �the Court considers that Article 8 cannot be interpreted as only protecting �family life� which has already been established but, where the circumstances warrant it, must extend to the potential relationship which may develop between a natural father and a child born out of wedlock. Relevant factors in this regard include the nature of the relationship between the natural parents and the demonstrable interest in and commitment by the natural father to the child both before and after the birth.� In this case, the father's claim to family life failed. European Convention on Human Rights 8 Harpal Singh Purba v Hardev Kaur Purba [1999] EWCA Civ 1730 1 Jul 1999 CA Stuart-Smith LJ, Pil LJ, Thorpe LJ Family The court considered an appeal against an award in an ancillary relief case on divorce. The husband had it was thought deliberately hidden assets, but the husband claimed that the wife's budget was excessive: (Thorpe LJ) "�.. I see no force in the criticism of the judge's acceptance of the wife's budget. In this field of litigation budgets prepared by the parties often have a high degree of unreality - usually the applicant wife's budget is much inflated. Most unusually, in this case the wife's budget seems to have been rather understated in many respects. It is true that one of the major items on the budget was substantial monthly expenditure for rent or mortgage. It is true that that could be said to be a superfluous item once the substantial lump sum was ordered. But the essential task of the judge is not to go through these budgets item by item but stand back and ask, what is the appropriate proportion of the husband's available income that should go to the support of the wife? This was a husband with �66,000 a year gross, �50,000 a year net, and of that available net income it simply could not be contended that �14,400 a year for his wholly dependent wife was excessive." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Practice Note (Family Proceedings: Vacation Business) Times, 09 July 1999 9 Jul 1999 FD Family Lists arrangements for family hearings during the long vacation, including Injunctions and committals and releases, children application less than one day, a matter certified as vacation business, and hearings of more than a day certified by a High Court Judge. A Elaine Jordan v Roy Gregory Jordan [1999] EWHC Admin 666; [2000] 1 WLR 210; [1999] 2 FLR 1069; [1999] 3 FCR 481; [1999] Fam Law 695 12 Jul 1999 Admn Simon Brown LJ, Auld LJ, Thorpe LJ Family, International The parties had married and divorced and made a financial settlement in the US, but the husband had returned to live in the UK. The wife now sought in effect to enforce the balance of the US order here. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] N v N (Jurisdiction: Pre-Nuptial Agreement) Times, 12 July 1999; Gazette, 11 August 1999; [1999] EWHC Fam 838; [1999] 2 FLR 745; [1999] Fam Law 691; [1999] 2 FCR 583 12 Jul 1999 FD Wall J Family, Ecclesiastical A pre-nuptial agreement to abide by the decisions of the Beth Din Rabbinical Court could not be enforced so as to prevent a civil divorce proceeding through to its termination, but where the agreement required the husband first to obtain a Get, and a delay would not prejudice the child, there remained a discretion in the court to delay contact proceedings until the Get had been applied for. Although they were unenforceable as such, ante-nuptial agreements might have evidential weight in subsequent proceedings for divorce. 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Hall v Hall [1999] EWCA Civ 1829 14 Jul 1999 CA Family, Costs [ Bailii ] Christopher Morton Jolly v Circuit Judge; District Judge and Bailiff of Staines County Court; Chief Clerk of Staines Cc and Chief Clerk of Guildford Cc [1999] EWCA Civ 1843 15 Jul 1999 CA Family [ Bailii ] McGladdery v McGladdery Times, 05 October 1999; Gazette, 29 September 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1908 21 Jul 1999 CA Family, Company A husband having been ordered to transfer his shares in a private company to his wife, found that she had breached the undertaking she had given as part of the order, and had used her majority shareholding to dispose of company assets out of the jurisdiction, leaving her bankrupt and unable to fulfil her part of the order, andreducing further the value of his own shareholding. His application to set aside the transfer under the section failed, since this could only apply up to the time of the order, and the court could not control a third party (the company): "There has been no extraordinary change undermining the foundation of the 1993 Order. All that has happened is that the wife has flouted it and then has frustrated its enforcement. It is important that final Orders are recognised as just that." Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 37(2) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Jordan v Jordan Times, 29 July 1999; Gazette, 11 August 1999 29 Jul 1999 CA Family Where a divorce had been in a competent foreign court between parties then living there, and the ancillary relief had been granted by that court, an application to enforce the ancillary relief order should first be made to the original court, and not to an English court merely because one of the parties now lived here. Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 13 1 Cites Re K (Child) [1999] EWCA Civ 2027 29 Jul 1999 CA Family, Children [ Bailii ] Bater v Greenwich London Borough Council Gazette, 02 September 1999; Times, 28 September 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1920; [1999] 2 FLR 993 28 Sep 1999 CA Family, Landlord and Tenant The couple being joint tenants of the matrimonial home had applied for its purchase form the Council. Divorce proceedings commenced and she purported to terminate the joint tenancy. He applied to set aside the notice, and the Local Authority intervened. Neither the right to buy, nor the notice to terminate were dispositions of property, and the Court had no capacity to set them aside. Held: "It is now established beyond a peradventure that a right to buy is dependant on the existence of a secure tenancy to which it is incidental." Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 37(2)(b) [ Bailii ] In Re W (A Minor) (Contact Application Procedure); FD 12-Oct-1999 - Gazette, 27 October 1999; Times, 12 October 1999 SRJ v DWJ (Financial Provision) Gazette, 20 October 1999; [1998] EWCA Civ 1634; [1999] 2 FLR 176 20 Oct 1999 CA Family There is no presumption in favour of a clean break provision in an ancillary relief claim. A nominal award of maintenance was appropriate where the wife's long dependency and continued responsibility for children made future earning capacity problematic. A dismissal of a claim for maintenance where the wife was relatively mature should not be expected. Fairness requires that the aspect of compensation should be taken into account by the court when exercising its statutory powers Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 23 1 Citers [ Bailii ] Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd; HL 28-Oct-1999 - Times, 02 November 1999; Gazette, 10 November 1999; [1999] 3 WLR 1113; [2001] 1 AC 27; [1999] UKHL 42; [1999] 4 All ER 705 Chief Adjudication Officer v Bath Times, 28 October 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 3008 28 Oct 1999 CA Family, Benefits The claimant and her husband had been married at a Sikh temple, and lived together for many years before his death. The temple had not been accredited for marriages, and the Secretary of State resisted payment of benefits to the claimant as a widow, saying that she had not been married. Held: The claimant's appeal succeeded. There was nothing to make the marriage void, and there was a presumption of a valid marriage where the parties had gone through a ceremony and had lived together on that basis. The fact discovered many years later that the ceremony was defective would not mean that the couple were not married. This was supported by old common law rules. The validity of a marriage should be upheld wherever possible: "there is nothing to suggest that the Sikh marriage ceremony and the consequences thereof in the eyes of the Sikh religious authorities was other than such a voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. In my view that "marriage" is validated by the common law presumption from long cohabitation, in pursuance of the policy of the law that, in the absence of the clearest possible reason why there should not be such a presumption, a ceremony of "marriage" bona fide entered by parties who thereafter who live monogamously and bring up children of the union should be respected and accorded the proper legal status of marriage. " Marriage Act 1949 1 Cites [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ] Helga Stoeckert v Margie Geddes (Appeal No 66 of 1998) [1999] UKPC 52 13 Dec 1999 PC Lord Browne-Wilkinson, Lord Steyn, Lord Hoffmann, Lord Saville of Newdigate, Lord Hobhouse of Woodborough Commonwealth, Trusts, Family, Wills and Probate PC Jamaica The claimant claimed against the estate of her former partner. Though not married they had lived together for many years, and she claimed there had been an express understanding that she would receive part of his estate. A constructive trust was claimed and denied. Held: The facts alleged were not capable of sustaining the claim. Leaving the claimant in charge of his business whilst the deceased had gone to live abroad did not establish such a trust, and nor did the several statements made. 1 Cites [ Bailii ] - [ PC ] |
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