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Hereford and Worcester County Council v Pick: 1 Apr 1995

The issue was whether a presumed dedication of a road as a public highway could result from twenty years or more of uninterrupted public use in breach of section 34(1) of the 1988 Act. The court was considering whether a footpath, alleged to have become a public highway for vehicles by presumed dedication, had been unlawfully obstructed.
Held: The user relied on for the presumed dedication would have constituted a public nuisance to pedestrians using the footpath and for that reason the user could not lead to a presumed dedication. ‘Public rights cannot be based on long use where the user is prohibited by statute.’


Stuart-Smith LJ


(1995) 71 P and CR 231


Road Traffic Act 1988 34(1)


England and Wales


CitedHanning and Others v Top Deck Travel Group Ltd CA 9-Jun-1993
The owner of a common appealed a finding that the neighbouring land owner had acquired by prescription a right of way across the common to use a track for commercial vehicles (buses) to get to the property (the bus depot).
Held: An easement . .
CitedRobinson v Adair QBD 2-Mar-1995
The Truro Crown Court had allowed Mr Adair’s appeal against his conviction for obstructing a highway. The prosecutor appealed.
Held: It had to be decided whether a particular road had become by presumed dedication a public highway. The use . .

Cited by:

Doubted in partBakewell Management Limited v Brandwood and others HL 1-Apr-2004
Houses were built next to a common. Over many years the owners had driven over the common. The landowners appealed a decision that they could not acquire a right of way by prescription over the common because such use had been unlawful as a criminal . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 25 November 2022; Ref: scu.195484

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