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Fiona Trust and Holding Corp and others v Privalov and others: ComC 20 Oct 2006

The parties disputed whether their claim should be arbitrated.
Held: A claim as to whether the contract itself had been made was not one which could be arbitrated by provisions in that contract. It does not arise ‘under’ the contract. The arbitrator does not have jurisdiction to decide this issue; the court alone does. Nor was there no overlap between what the claims of a routine nature involve and the issue of bribery. Also issues as to jurisdiction were for the court not for the arbitrator. In this case the claimants had a good case for saying they had a right to elect to rescind the contract, and had exercised that right timeously. There was also sufficient circumstantial evidence to justify the joining of further defendants as requested.


Morison J


[2006] EWHC 2583 (Comm), [2007] 1 All ER (Comm) 81




Arbitration Act 1996 72(1)(a)


England and Wales


CitedFillite (Runcorn) Ltd v Aqua-Lift CA 1989
The court considered whether claims arising from misrepresentation or breach of a collateral contrat were claims arising ‘under’ the contract so as to be governed by the disputes provisions in it.
Held: The disputes did not arise ‘under the . .
CitedAggeliki Charis Compania Maritima SA v Pagnan SpA The Angelic Grace QBD 1994
The court considered whether a claim for a collision between two ships was governed by an arbitration clause which read ‘all disputes from time to time arising out of this contract shall . . be referred to the arbitrament of two arbitrators carrying . .
CitedAggeliki Charis Compania Maritima SA v Pagnan SpA – The Angelic Grace CA 1995
On the charterers’ orders the Angelic Grace was required to tie up alongside another vessel which they owned. Whilst unloading the weather turned and the vessels collided. Each blamed the other and the owners claimed a salvage. The court considered . .
CitedChimimport Plc v G d’Alesio SAS 1994
The phrase ‘arising under’ in a clause referring matters to arbitration is narrower than ‘arising out of’ and the court doubted whether a tortious claim could easily give rise to a dispute ‘under the contract’. . .
CitedAshville Investments Ltd v Elmer Contractors Ltd CA 1987
A clause in the contract refered to arbitration: ‘any dispute or difference as to the construction of this contract or as to any matter or thing of whatsoever nature arising thereunder or in connection therewith.’
Held: The court should adopt . .
CitedAggeliki Charis Compania Maritima SA v Pagnan SpA The Angelic Grace QBD 1994
The court considered whether a claim for a collision between two ships was governed by an arbitration clause which read ‘all disputes from time to time arising out of this contract shall . . be referred to the arbitrament of two arbitrators carrying . .
CitedHarbour Assurance Co (UK) Ltd v Kansa General International Insurance Co Ltd CA 7-Apr-1993
An action was brought by re-insurers for a declaration that reinsurance policies were void for illegality, and that the plaintiffs were not liable under them. The illegality alleged was that the defendants were not registered or approved to carry on . .
ApprovedAhmad Al-Naimi (T/a Buildmaster Construction Services) v Islamic Press Agency Incorporated CA 28-Jan-2000
The court has an inherent power to stay proceedings. The court could refer a matter to arbitration where there was an arbitration clause, but could also do so under its inherent discretion, where this was not quite clear, but it was clear that good . .
CitedNewbigging v Adam CA 1886
A party seeking rescission of a contract must give back all that he received. The purpose of rescission is still to restore the parties as nearly as possible to the position in which they were before the contract was made. Bowen LJ said: ‘when you . .
CitedVee Networks Limited v Econet Wireless International Limited QBD 14-Dec-2004
The court considered a complaint that the arbitration award was faulty or lack of jurisdiction under the agreement founding it. . .
CitedLogicrose Ltd v Southend United Football Club Ltd CA 5-Feb-1988
The agent required the contractual counterparty to pay a bribe of pounds 70,000 to an offshore account.
Held: The bribe was held to be recoverable by the principal whether the principal rescinded or affirmed the contract because it was a . .
CitedClough v London and North Western Railway Co 1871
When considering an application for rescission the court must ask whether the representee has elected to affirm the contract, elected to rescind the contract or made no election. Mellor J said: ‘In such cases the question is, has the person on whom . .
CitedO’Sullivan v Management Agency and Music Limited CA 1985
The claimant alleged undue influence. As a young singer he had entered into a management agreement with the defendant which he said were prejudicial and unfair. The defendant argued that the ‘doctrine of restitutio in integrum applied only to the . .
CitedSenanayake v Cheng PC 1966
A representee, to whom a fraudulent misrepresentation had been made was ‘entitled to make all inquiries and to endeavour to learn all the facts.’
In a claim for rescission in equity for innocent misrepresentation, the questions are ‘whether . .
CitedArmstrong v Jackson 1917
Rescission was available to a defrauded principal even where the contract had been fully performed. . .
CitedB v Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Constabulary QBD 5-Apr-2000
The defendant appealed the making of a sex offender order under 1998 Act. The justices had found that the defendant was a sex offender within section 2(1)(a) and that he had acted on a number of occasions in a way which brought him within section . .
CitedSphere Drake Insurance Ltd and Another v Euro International Underwriting Ltd ComC 8-Jul-2003
Relationships between Lloyds underwiters and others in the market rather than just names, could also bind the underwriter to a fiduciary relationship. Here the claimant had granted to the defendant a binding authority. This was in effect a similar . .
See AlsoFiona Trust and Holding Corporation and others v Privalov and others CA 24-Jan-2007
The court was asked whether when contracts have been induced by bribery and have been rescinded on discovery of the bribery, that constitutes a dispute which can be determined by arbitration in the context of a common form of arbitration clause.

Cited by:

At first instancePremium Nafta Products Ltd (20th Defendant) and others v Fili Shipping Company Ltd and others; Fiona Trust and Holding Corporation v Privalov HL 17-Oct-2007
The owners of a ship sought to rescind charters saying that they had been procured by bribery.
Held: A claim to rescind a contract by reason of bribery fell within the scope of an arbitration clause under which the parties had agreed to refer . .
Appeal fromFiona Trust and Holding Corporation and others v Privalov and others CA 24-Jan-2007
The court was asked whether when contracts have been induced by bribery and have been rescinded on discovery of the bribery, that constitutes a dispute which can be determined by arbitration in the context of a common form of arbitration clause.
See AlsoFiona Trust Holding Corporation and others v Privalov and others ComC 19-Jan-2007
. .
See AlsoFiona Trust Holding Corp and others v Privalov and others ComC 21-May-2007
Allegations were made of different varieties of fraud. Applications were made for freezing orders. . .
See AlsoFiona Trust and Holding Corporation and others v Privalov and others ComC 22-Jul-2008
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Contract, Arbitration

Updated: 08 July 2022; Ref: scu.245438

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