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Chase And Others, Assignees of William And Thomas Hurst (Bankrupts), v James And David Westmore; 21 May 1816

References: [1816] EngR 501, (1816) 5 M & S 180, (1816) 105 ER 1016
Links: Commonlii
A workman haviag bestowed his labour upon a chattel in consderation of a price fixed in amount by hts agreement with the owner, may detain the chattel until the
price be paid; and this, though the chattel be delivered to the workman in different parcels, and at different times, if the work to be done under the agreement be entire. Semble, that where the parties contract for a particular time or mode of payment, the workman has not a right to set up a claim to the possession
inconsistent with the terms of the contract.
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Last Update: 29-Jan-16 Ref: 334194

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