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Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust v Evans and Another: FD 24 Apr 2018

The child was in a very severe state of health. The doctors at the hospital proposed withdrawal of life support which would lead to is death. The parents opposed this. A certificate the grant of Italian nationality was produced and the family requested that he be moved to Italy for treatment.
Held: The child had no connection with Italy, and though the nationality was valid, it did not operate to oust the UK court’s responsibility and jurisdiction. The request was refused.


Hayden J


[2018] EWHC 953 (Fam)




England and Wales


See AlsoAlder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust v Evans and Others FD 11-Apr-2018
Care Plan for dying child approved
The parents of a baby boy sought to re-open an order that because of the very severe health condition, and very limited hope of any recovery (disputed by the parents), care beyond palliative care should be withdrawn with the effect that he would be . .
See AlsoAlder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust v Evans and Another FD 20-Feb-2018
Application made on behalf of the Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust seeking a declaration that continued ventilatory support is not in A’s best interests and in the circumstances it is not lawful that such treatment continue. . .
At CAEvans and Another v Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and Another CA 16-Apr-2018
Parents’ appeal from directions as to withdrawal of life supporting treatment for their child, the parents now applying for habeas corpus. . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 13 April 2022; Ref: scu.609106

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