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Yeo v Times Newspapers Ltd: QBD 4 Feb 2015

The claimant MP sought damages alleging defamation by the defendant newspaper. The court heard a second case management conference as to amended particulars of claim.

Warby J
[2015] EWHC 209 (QB), [2015] 2 Costs LO 243, [2015] 1 WLR 3031, [2015] EMLR 18
England and Wales
Cited by:
CitedStocker v Stocker QBD 10-Jun-2015
The claimant alleged defamation by his former wife in a post on facebook. The posting and associatedeEmails were said falsely to have accused him of serious abuse, and that the accusations had undermined his relationship with his new partner.
See AlsoYeo v Times Newspapers Ltd QBD 22-Jul-2015
Pre-trial review of libel action. . .
See AlsoYeo v Times Newspapers Ltd QBD 25-Nov-2015
The claimant alleged defamation by the defendant as to his conduct as an MP. The defendant having pleaded justification, the court now tried the liability issue.
Held: The claim failed. The publication had the benefit of reynolds privilege.
Defamation, Litigation Practice

Updated: 27 December 2021; Ref: scu.542256

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