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Wm Weir, Esq of Waygateshaw v Arthur Naismith, John Syme, Charles Hamilton, Wm Cullen, Jas Hamilton, William Allan, and Others: HL 3 Mar 1743

At a time of famine, when meal was scarce, a riot took place in the burgh of Hamilton, whereby the appellant’s granaries were broken into, and his meal carried off: Held the magistrates, William Cullen and Charles Hamilton, not liable to make good the damages, having not had any accession to, or connivance with, the rioters, but having done all in their power to prevent it: reversed in the House of Lords, and held them liable as having failed and neglected to perform their duty, and connived at the said riot. Also held William Allan and some others liable as having taken a part in the riot. Quoad ultra affirmed.

[1743] UKHL 6 – Paton – 678, (1743) 6 Paton 678

Local Government, Crime

Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.556796

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