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West Oxfordshire District Council (Local Government): ICO 12 Dec 2019

The complainant requested from West Oxfordshire District Council (the Council) information relating to the Council’s building control performance standards and site inspections. The Council provided information within the scope of some parts of the request but withheld information within the scope of parts 2 and 3 under sections 43(2) (commercial interests), 43(1) (trade secrets) and 41 (information provided in confidence) of the FOIA. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Council correctly applied section 43(2) of the FOIA. Therefore, she has not gone on to consider the application of sections 43(1) and 41 of the FOIA. The Commissioner does not require the Council to take any steps as a result of this decision.
FOI 43(2): Complaint not upheld


[2019] UKICO fs50820666




England and Wales


Updated: 20 November 2022; Ref: scu.650480

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