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Wells v Pilling Parish Council: ChD 6 Mar 2008

The Council had sought rectification of the land registers granting possessory title to Mr Wells to land at the foreshore at Morecambe Bay, which he held on behalf of English Nature it being designated as a site of Special Scientific Interest. The Council had not itself asserted any proprietary interest in the land. The court now heard arguments as to whether this was a matter of private or public law. If a private law matter, the Council had no standing to apply.
Held: ‘The changes made by the Land Registration Act 2002 have seen a move away from what was called registration of title to what is now sometimes called title by registration.’

Lewison J
[2008] EWHC 556 (Ch), [2008] 2 EGLR 29, [2008] 22 EG 174
Land Registration Act 2002, Land Registry Practice and Procedure Rules24 2003
England and Wales
Cited by:
CitedWalker and Another v Burton and Another CA 14-Oct-2013
The Burtons had purchased the former Hall of the village of Ireby, and been registered as proprietors of the Lordhsip of the Manor. The villagers had successfully challenged the registration. The Court now considered the circumstances in which the . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Registered Land

Updated: 11 December 2021; Ref: scu.266901

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