Plaintiff, having delivered a replication to several pleas, concluding to the country as to each plea but traversing one with a special inducement, added the similiters, made up and delivered the issue, and gave notice of trial. Defendant struck out the similiters, and gave notice thereof to plaintiff, But did not deliver a rejoinder or notice of his intetition to rejoin. Afterwards defendant craved oyer of an indenture mentioned in the special inducement, and delivered a rejoinder with a demurrer to the replication containing that inducement, and a similiter as to the rest; and also gave notice that he should not appear on the trial, but should move to set aside any trial bad. Plaintiff proceeded to trial, and obtained a verdict, defendant not appearing. The Court set aside the verdict and trial, with costs.
[1844] EngR 1049, (1844) 6 QB 663, (1844) 115 ER 250
England and Wales
Updated: 29 August 2021; Ref: scu.305641 br>