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The Ecclesiastical Commissioners For England v The Vestry of The Parish of St James And St John, Clerkenwell; 25 May 1861

References: [1861] EngR 620, (1861) 3 De G F & J 688, (1861) 45 ER 1045
Links: Commonlii
The exceptions expressed in the 18 & 19 Vict. c. 120, s. 90, and 19 & 20 Vict. c. 112, s. 3 (the Metropolis Local Management Acts), do not exempt the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, acting under the Church Builditig Acts, from the provisions of the first-mentioned Act, and vestries have, under the first-mentioned Act, authority to pull down such portions of churches, as well as of other buildings, as transgress the provisions of that Act.

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