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The Aliza Glazial: CA 2002


Potter LJ


[2002] 2 Lloyds Rep 421


England and Wales


Dictum appliedWayne Tank and Pump Company Ltd v Employers Liability Assurance Corporation Ltd CA 1973
The court discussed the effect of an exception clause in an insurance policy: ‘The effect of an exception is to save the insurer from liability for a loss which but for the exception would be covered. The effect of the cover is not to impose on the . .

Cited by:

MentionedKR and others v Royal and Sun Alliance Plc CA 3-Nov-2006
The insurer appealed findings of liability under the 1930 Act. Claims had been made for damages for child abuse in a residential home, whom they insured. The home had become insolvent, and the claimants had pursued the insurer.
Held: The . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 10 May 2022; Ref: scu.245857

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