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Thames Chambers Solicitors v Miah: QBD 16 May 2013

The solicitors appealed against a wasted costs order. They had accepted instructions to act for a bankrupt in pursuing a debt before his discharge and without the debt having been assigned to him by the trustee in bankruptcy.
Held: The order had been made properly: ‘there was a strong prima facie case as from 16 March 2012 that the Solicitors had acted improperly, unreasonably and negligently. ‘ The appeal failed.
Tugendhat J
[2013] EWHC 1245 (QB)
CitedNelson v Nelson CA 6-Dec-1996
A solicitor appealed against an order requiring him to contribute to the costs of Mareva injunction applied for on behalf of his bankrupt client.
Held: Solicitors were not liable in costs personally for starting proceedings on behalf of a . .
CitedHeath v Tang, Stevens v Peacock CA 11-Aug-1993
The bankrupt applicants each applied to the Court of Appeal for leave to appeal against the judgment for a liquidated sum on which the bankruptcy petition had been based. In the first case, the trustee in bankruptcy indicated his unwillingness to . .
CitedRegent Leisuretime Ltd and others v Skerrett and Another CA 4-Jul-2006
The court set aside a first stage wasted costs order made by the judge below against the solicitors Reynolds Porter Chamberlain. The judge had been given no indication of the costs claimed and did not have material on which he could form a view as . .
CitedPickthall and Another v Hill Dickinson Llp CA 11-Jun-2009
The court was asked as to the extent to which it is an abuse of the process for a claimant to commence proceedings without having the relevant cause of action vested in him, and whether it would be right to allow him to amend his pleadings to plead . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 30 October 2021; Ref: scu.509280 br>

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