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Tachie and Others v Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council: QBD 13 Dec 2013

The three appellants each challenged decisions refusing their homelessness reviews, saying that the decisions had been made by outside contracters and were unlawful.
Held: The company was a subsidiary of the Council, and the Teckal exception clearly applied because of the Council’s control: ‘the focus must be on the nature of the arrangements between the two entities as constituted by the contractual and other documentation, and these have not changed (c.f. Parking Brixen). It is the presence, or absence, of salient features in these arrangements which will determine whether or not a procurement exercise should have been implemented . .’

Jay J
[2013] EWHC 3972 (QB)
Housing Act 1996 202
England and Wales
CitedTeckal Srl v Comune di Viano, Azienda Gas-Acqua Consorziale (AGAC) di Reggio Emilia ECJ 18-Nov-1999
AGAC was a corporate entity set up by a consortium of Italian local authorities to provide energy and environmental services to those participating. Prior to 1997 Teckal had supplied fuel to Viano and had serviced its heating systems. In May 1997 . .
CitedParking Brixen v Gemeinde Brixen ECJ 13-Oct-2005
The award, by a public authority to a service provider, of the management of a public pay car park, in consideration for which that provider is remunerated by sums paid by third parties for the use of that car park, is a public service concession to . .
CitedCarbotermo SpA, Consorzio Alisei v Comune di Busto Arsizio,AGESP SpA ECJ 11-May-2006
ECJ Opinion – Directive 93/36/EEC – Public supply contracts – Award of contract without a call for tenders – Award of the contract to an undertaking in which the contracting authority has a shareholding. . .
CitedBrent London Borough Council and Others v Risk Management Partners Ltd SC 9-Feb-2011
The council had put out to tender its insurance requirements. The respondent submitted its bid. The council then withdrew the tender in order to take up membership of a mutual company providing such services created by local authorities in London. . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Housing, Local Government

Updated: 02 November 2021; Ref: scu.518998

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