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Symbian Ltd v Comptroller General of Patents: PatC 18 Mar 2008

The company appealed against rejection of its patent application, the objection being as to the invention’s patentability. The EPO had granted a European Patent.


Patten J


[2008] EWHC 518 (Pat), GB 0325145.1




Patents Act 1977


CitedAstron Clinica Ltd and others v The Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks PatC 25-Jan-2008
There is no reason in principle to exclude claims to computer programs from patentability under Art.52 where the claims to a method performed by running a suitably programmed computer or to a computer program to carry out the method are allowable. . .
CitedMerrill Lynch’s Application ChD 1988
The court rejected an application for a patent for, inter alia, a ‘data processing system for making a trading market in at least one security in which the system proprietor is acting as principal’.
Held: Falconer J said: ‘In my judgment, . .
CitedMerrill Lynch’s Application CA 1989
The invention in this case was an improved ‘data processing system for making a trading market in at least one security in which the system proprietor is acting as principal.’
Held: More than one exclusion can be in play in relation to the . .
CitedGales Application ChD 1990
Claim to Patent for Computer Chip was Valid
The applicant had implemented an algorithm for solving square roots problems by embodying it within a computer chip. He appealed against refusal of the patent by the Patents Office.
Held: The appeal succeeded.
Aldous J said: ‘I have come . .
CitedIn Re Patent Application No 9204959 by Fujitsu Ltd CA 14-Mar-1997
A computer program modelling a crystal structure is not patentable; it was not a hardware function, and software is not capable of protection under Patents law. Aldous LJ repeated his concern at the so called ‘technical contribution test’ for . .
Appeal fromSymbian Ltd (Patent) IPO 30-Jul-2007
IPO The application relates to a method of operating a computing device to access data held in a dynamic link library (DLL) which has two parts, each part containing a number of functions. In operation, an . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Intellectual Property

Updated: 14 July 2022; Ref: scu.266593

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