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Skillion pIc v Keltec Industrial Research Ltd: 1992

In the context of a covenant in a lease restricting the tenant’s use of the demised premises, it is the landlord who requires and puts forward the clause, and, the landlord will be treated as the proposer and the clause must therefore be construed in favour of the tenant in the case of doubt.


Knox J


[1992] 1 EGLR 123

Cited by:

CitedJoint London Holdings Ltd v Mount Cook Ltd; Mount Cook Ltd v Joint London Holdings Ltd and Another ChD 2-Mar-2005
A lease created in 1950 included a covenant that the premises should not be used for the business of a ‘victualler, vintner, tavern keeper, vendor of malt liquor, restaurant or coffee house keeper’ without the landlord’s consent. Declarations were . .
CitedOffice of Fair Trading v Abbey National Plc and seven Others ComC 24-Apr-2008
The Office sought a declaration that the respondent and other banks were subject to the provisions of the Regulations in their imposition of bank charges to customer accounts, and in particular as to the imposition of penalties or charges for the . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Landlord and Tenant

Updated: 30 April 2022; Ref: scu.231049

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