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Rovenska v General Medical Council: EAT 22 Sep 1994

The complainant said that the respondent’s rules imposing language skills testing on doctors with recognised foreign qualifications were discriminatory.
Held: Discriminatory rules are a continuing act and the complaint was not barred by time limit. The complaint was not time-barred because it was: ‘about the maintenance and operation of a scheme for exemption which extends over a period, that period being the currency of the scheme or rules.’


Mummery J


Independent 22-Sep-1994, [1994] UKEAT 163 – 93 – 1103



Cited by:

Appeal fromRovenska v General Medical Council CA 4-Dec-1996
A Czechoslovakian doctor complained against the General Medical Council under Section 12(1)(a) of the 1976 Act 1976 in respect of the most recent of a series of refusals, under its rules for the grant of limited registration as a medical . .
CitedCast v Croydon College CA 19-Mar-1998
Complaint was made within time limit when the decision complained of was a reconsideration of an earlier decision, not just a reference back to it.
Held: In a sex discrimination case, where there has been a constructive dismissal, time runs . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Discrimination, Employment

Updated: 19 May 2022; Ref: scu.88876

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