Orders of justices of peace, made in pursuance of the Excise laws, may be removed by certiorari: and the words ‘party, person,’ andC. in the Act of 23 G 2, C 18, do not include the Crown; therefore a certiorari, on the motion of His Majesty’s Attorney General, was directed to issue, although the time limited by that statute for applications for such writs was elapsed, and the directions in it, relative to notice to the justices, had not been complied with by the Crown.
[1819] EngR 9, (1819) 1 Keny 80, (1819) 96 ER 923 (A)
Cited by:
Cited – Cart and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v The Upper Tribunal and Others Admn 1-Dec-2009
The court was asked whether the supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court, exercisable by way of judicial review, extends to such decisions of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) and the Upper Tribunal (UT) as are not amenable to any . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 05 May 2022; Ref: scu.331212