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Regina v Yorkshire Water Services Ltd: CACD 16 Nov 2001

The defendant company was sentenced for supplying water which was below standard. The fine imposed was calculated according to the number of consumers affected.
Held: When considering the level of fine, the court should look to, the degree of culpability; damage caused; the previous record; the need for balance between censure and any counter-productive effect, in the light of efforts to remedy the situation; and the acts of the water authority after the events in question. The number of complainants should not be used as a multiplier.

Lord Justice Mance and Mr Justice Rougier
Times 12-Dec-2001
Water Industry Act 1991 70(1)
England and Wales
CitedRegina v F Howe and Son (Engineers) Limited CACD 6-Nov-1998
The general run of fines imposed for Health and Safety breaches is too low. Penalties should be increased where the standards were compromised for cost cutting, for the degree of lapse, and where a fatality resulted. The same standards apply for . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Environment, Criminal Sentencing

Updated: 23 November 2021; Ref: scu.167015

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