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Regina v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, ex parte O’Byrne: Admn 20 Aug 1999

It could be proper, when ordering for a third party to be joined in an action for judicial review, to order that the original party should not be responsible for the new party’s costs in any event. Such a power could be derived from the overriding objective, which required the court to take account of the respective financial standing of the parties and the importance of the subject matter of the case.


Mr Justice Hooper


Times 12-Nov-1999, [1999] EWHC Admin 811


Housing Act of 1985

Cited by:

See AlsoRegina v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Ex Parte O’Byrne QBD 8-Jun-2000
A tenant sought to buy a flat under the right to buy scheme but the flat was in the green belt. The local authority objected, and an inquiry was held. The inspector held that the green belt policy itself would not be affected, but a sale would . .
See AlsoO’Byrne v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions and Another CA 17-Apr-2001
A tenant sought to buy a flat under the right to buy scheme but the flat was in the green belt. The land was held under provisions in the 1938 Act making the sale of any part conditional on the consent of the respondent. The local authority . .
See AlsoRegina v Secretary of State for Environment Transport and the Regions ex parte O’Byrne HL 14-Nov-2002
The applicant sought to exercise her right to buy a property she had occupied of her local authority. It was in the green belt, and the authority declined to sell it until they had obtained authorisation for the sale. The authority appealed an order . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Judicial Review, Litigation Practice, Housing, Local Government, Civil Procedure Rules, Costs

Updated: 12 April 2022; Ref: scu.140075

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