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Regina v HM Coroner for Portsmouth Ex parte Keene (John): QBD 1989

The applicant challenged the coroner’s conduct of the inquest saying it had been carried out in a perfunctory manner.
Held: Even though the coroner was aware of information tending to a particular verdict, the inquest should be carried out properly. The coroner had not done this, but no doubt had been cast on the verdict itself, and no rehearing was ordered.


Pill J


(1989) 153 JP 658, [1990] COD 7, (1989) 153 JPN 706 (DC), Guardian 24-Jun-1989


England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedRegina v Coroner for Southern District of Greater London, ex Parte Driscoll Admn 22-Oct-1993
The applicant, a sister of the deceased, requested a judicial review of the decision of the coroner not to allow her to be represented and to cross examine witnesses.
Held: One of the coroner’s letters had been offensive and misleading. A . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 03 July 2022; Ref: scu.229166

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