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Rachmaninoff and Others v Sotheby’s and Another: QBD 1 Mar 2005

The defendant had offered for sale by auction recently discovered works of Rachmaninoff. The claimants, descendants of the composer asserted ownership through his estate. The defendants refused to identify the seller.
Held: The claim should proceed. Both the claim and defence had realistic prospects of success.

[2005] EWHC 258 (QB)
England and Wales
CitedGotha City v Sotheby’s and Another; Federal Republic of Germany v Same QBD 9-Sep-1998
Limitation does not run in favour of a thief. A painting stolen during the war and dealt with by those knowing its true origin remained in the ownership of the original owner however long it had been held by someone who was not a purchaser in good . .
CitedThree Rivers District Council and Others v Governor and Company of The Bank of England HL 18-May-2000
The applicants alleged misfeasance against the Bank of England in respect of the regulation of a bank.
Held: The Bank could not be sued in negligence, but the tort of misfeasance required clear evidence of misdeeds. The action was now properly . .
CitedSwain v Hillman CA 21-Oct-1999
Strike out – Realistic Not Fanciful Chance Needed
The proper test for whether an action should be struck out under the new Rules was whether it had a realistic as opposed to a fanciful prospect of success. There was no justification for further attempts to explain the meaning of what are clear . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 20 December 2021; Ref: scu.223865

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