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Perera v Civil Service Commission (No 2): EAT 1982

The tribunal considered the method of selection of the pool on a claim for indirect discrimination. In this case the claimant alleged that an age test applied on his application would effectively limit the proportion of coloured who would meet the tests.
Held: The Commission’s appeal was allowed in part. The proportion of late immigrants was irrelevant.


[1982] ICR 350


Race Relations Act 1974 1(1)(b)


England and Wales

Cited by:

Appeal fromPerera v Civil Service Commission (No 2) CA 1983
Upheld on Appeal. . .
CitedSecretary of State for Trade and Industry v Rutherford and others HL 3-May-2006
The claimant sought to establish that as a male employee, he had suffered sex discrimination in that he lost rights to redundancy pay after the age of retirement where a woman might not.
Held: The appeal was dismised. There were very few . .
CitedMeikle v Nottingham City Council EAT 14-Apr-1994
The appellant challenged dismissal of her claim for indirect racial discrimination based on two grounds. First, that the Tribunal’s decision was perverse; in other words that it was a decision which, on the evidence before it, no reasonable tribunal . .
ExplainedMeer v London Borough of Tower Hamlets CA 26-May-1988
The Court discussed the nature of ‘a requirement or condition’ for the purposes of the 1976 Act.
Held: Dillon LJ said: ‘The case of Perera decided that there can only be a requirement or condition within s.1(1)(b) of the Race Relations Act . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 07 May 2022; Ref: scu.241437

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