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Olympia Technology (No. 2) v Revenue and Customs: VDT 11 Jul 2006

REPAYMENT SUPPLEMENT – VAT credit – Claim arising from 25 transactions – Single amount claimed – Amount shown in return was excess of input tax over output tax relating to all transactions of that period – Respondents dealt with claim by pursuing seven inquiries into seven groups of those transactions – Respondents paid the input tax attributable to each group as and when each inquiry finished – Respondents withheld part of claim until well after end of relevant period – Whether failure to pay any part of amount claimed within relevant period results in Respondents incurring repayment supplement on the whole amount claimed for the period – No – Whether VAT credit is to be disintegrated into the separate transactions carried on during the period to which claim relates – No – Whether each inquiry into each group of transactions comprised in claim has its own relevant period – No – Appeal dismissed – VAT Act 1994 s.79


[2006] UKVAT V19647




England and Wales


Updated: 04 September 2022; Ref: scu.243278

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