Oakes v Turquand: hL 1867

Lord Chelmsford said: ‘it is said that everything that is stated in the prospectus is literally true, and so it is; but the objection to it is, not that it does not state the truth as far as it goes, but that it conceals most material facts with which the public ought to have been made acquainted, the very concealment of which gives to the truth which is told the character of falsehood.’
and: ‘It plainly left every shareholder subject to all previous liabilities, except only that a line or boundary was fixed, beyond which his obligations could not be extended.’


Lord Cranworth, Lord Chelmsford LC


(1867) LR 2 HL 325


Companies Act 1862


England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedLB Holdings Intermediate 2 Ltd, The Joint Administrators of v Lehman Brothers International (Europe), The Joint Administrators of and Others SC 17-May-2017
In the course of the insolvent administration of the bank, substantial additional sums were received. Parties appealed against some orders made on the application to court for directions as to what was to be done with the surplus.
Held: The . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 08 August 2022; Ref: scu.641436