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NHS Digital (Health): ICO 20 Jan 2021

The complainant has requested information relating to the formulation and publication of the Data Protection Impact Assessment for the process by which GPs share Covid-19 data. NHS Digital withheld some information and relied on section 22 of the FOIA to do so. It refused the remainder of the request and relied on section 12 of the FOIA to do so. The Commissioner’s decision is that NHS Digital was entitled to rely on section 12 of the FOIA to refuse the request. However, NHS Digital failed to provide meaningful advice and assistance to help the complainant refine his request within the cost limit. NHS Digital therefore breached section 16 of the FOIA. The Commissioner requires NHS Digital to take the following steps to ensure compliance with the legislation: provide the complainant with meaningful advice and assistance to assist him in refining his request so that it falls within the cost limit.
FOI 16: Complaint upheld FOI 12: Complaint not upheld


[2021] UKICO IC-48274




England and Wales


Updated: 09 August 2022; Ref: scu.658003

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