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Natural Resources Wales (Other): ICO 19 Dec 2019

The complainant requested information about the programme of works associated with flood defences of the River Elwy at St Asaph. Natural Resources Wales (‘NRW’) provided some information and applied regulation 12(4)(d) to some parts of request. At the time of its internal review NRW disclosed additional information. The complainant alleged that NRW had failed to provide the specific information held relating to one part of the request. The Commissioner’s decision is that, on the balance of probabilities NRW does not hold any additional information relevant to the request other than that which it has disclosed. However, the Commissioner finds that NRW breached regulation 5(2) of the EIR in failing to provide all of the requested information within the required timescale. The Commissioner also finds that NRW breached regulation 11(4) of the EIR in failing to carry out an internal review within the statutory time limit. The Commissioner does not require any steps to be taken.
EIR 11(4): Complaint upheld EIR 5(1): Complaint not upheld EIR 5(2): Complaint upheld


[2019] UKICO fer0814598




England and Wales


Updated: 24 November 2022; Ref: scu.650454

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