References: [1847] EngR 496, (1846) 4 CB 321, (1847) 136 ER 530
Links: Commonlii
The defendant, having entered an appearance in person as ‘CFAW, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, sued as CFAW D’Este, commonly called the Duke of Brunswick,’ delivered a plea to the jurisdiction, with an affidavit of verification, respectively intituled ‘CFAW, sovereign Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, sued as CFAW D’Este, commonly called the Duke of Brunswick.’ The plaintiff, treating the plea as a nullity, signed judgment. The court refused to set aside the judgment, without an affidavit of merits.-An affidavit with a jurat signed, ‘AB, a com’. &c,’ is sufficient.
Last Update: 18-Feb-16 Ref: 301112