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Moulai v Deputy Public Prosecutor In Creteil France: Admn 9 May 2008

The court was asked ‘Whether it is a fatal bar to an appeal against an order extraditing (or not extraditing) a person, that a copy of the duly filed appeal notice was served on the respondent a few minutes late?’
Held: The failure to serve an appeal notice in time was not fatal to an appeal against an extradition order.


Hooper LJ, Maddison J


[2008] EWHC 1024 (Admin), Times 02-Jun-2008



Cited by:

Appeal fromMucelli v Government of Albania (Criminal Appeal From Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice) HL 21-Jan-2009
The House was asked whether someone who wished to appeal against an extradition order had an obligation also to serve his appellant’s notice on the respondent within the seven days limit, and whether the period was capable of extension by the court. . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 14 July 2022; Ref: scu.267661

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