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Millington v Secretary of State for the Environment: QBD 1999

The court commented on provisions in a circular as to the correctness of imposing planning conditions where it was thought that they might not be fulfilled: ‘I think that that footnote is mistaken. Certainly the case leaves it open to the Secretary of State to refuse to impose such a condition if there are reasons other than the unlikelihood of implementation. But the unlikelihood of implementation is not by itself a sufficient reason to refuse, and allowing it to be policy cannot make it so.’


Judge Rich QC


(1999) 1 PLR 36


England and Wales

Cited by:

Appeal fromMillington v Secretary of State for Environment Transport and Regions v Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council CA 25-Jun-1999
The fact that a new product was made on agricultural land from produce grown elsewhere on the land did not make that production process non-agricultural. The making of wine is capable of being agricultural use, and being thus free from planning . .
CitedDouglas John Merritt v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions and Mendip District Council Admn 5-Aug-1999
The applicant appealed refusal of planning permission for residential development of a small plot of land. The said that the inspector had wrongly rejected the application of a Grampian condition on the basis that it would not be fulfilled and also . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Planning, Agriculture

Updated: 12 April 2022; Ref: scu.229041

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