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swarb.co.uk - law indexThese cases are from the lawindexpro database. They are now being transferred to the swarb.co.uk website in a better form. As a case is published there, an entry here will link to it. The swarb.co.uk site includes many later cases. Â |
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Stamp Duty - From: 1800 To: 1849This page lists 11 cases, and was prepared on 02 April 2018. ÂSpall v Massey And Others [1819] EngR 786; (1819) 2 Stark 559; (1819) 171 ER 735 (B) 22 Dec 1819 Stamp Duty [ Commonlii ] Â Rex v William Yates, Also D F Jones [1827] EngR 155; (1827) 1 Mood 170; (1827) 168 ER 1229 1827 Crime, Stamp Duty [ Commonlii ] Â Attwood v Small And Others [1827] EngR 659; (1827) 3 Car & P 208; (1827) 172 ER 389 9 Aug 1827 Stamp Duty An agreement, contained by itself less than 1080 words, but there was in it a stipulation that a clause in a previous agreement, which was duly stamped, should be taken as part of the new agreement. Held: That although with the clause referred to, there would be more than 1080 words, a £1 stamp was proper, as that clause ought not to be reckoned. 1 Citers [ Commonlii ] Â Attwood v Small And Others [1827] EngR 729; (1827) 7 B & C 390; (1827) 108 ER 768 (B) 8 Nov 1827 Stamp Duty 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Commonlii ] Â Mounsey v Stephenson [1827] EngR 735; (1827) 7 B & C 403; (1827) 108 ER 773 9 Nov 1827 Stamp Duty Articles of agreement, whereby one party agreed to pay the other a fixed salary, and the other agreed not to set up a chemist's shop within a certain distance, and the parties were mutually bound in a penalty of 6001. to perform the agreement: Held, to require a stamp of 11. 15s. [ Commonlii ] Â Turner v Power [1827] EngR 891; (1827) M & M 131; (1827) 173 ER 1106 (A) 22 Dec 1827 Landlord and Tenant, Stamp Duty In an action for rent on land verbally let, on the same terms as the former tenant’s lease, such lease must be produced properly stamped. [ Commonlii ] Â Neale v Swind [1832] EngR 215; (1832) 2 Cr & J 278; (1832) 149 ER 120 (A) 1832 Stamp Duty Where one part of a document has been lost, the Court will compel the party holding the other part, or his attorney if he holds it, to produce it at the Stamp Office, for the purpose of having it stamped, though it is not held on any trust for the party applying. [ Commonlii ] Â Doe On The Several Demises Of Hartwright And Others v Fereday [1840] EngR 601; (1840) 12 Ad & E 23; (1840) 113 ER 718 (B) 13 May 1840 Stamp Duty [ Commonlii ] Â Â Doe On The Several Demise Of Hughes And Corbett v Derry; 1841 - [1841] EngR 28; (1841) 9 Car & P 494; (1841) 173 ER 926 Â Regina v The Inhabitants Of Keighley [1846] EngR 616; (1846) 8 QB 877; (1846) 115 ER 1104 29 Apr 1846 Stamp Duty [ Commonlii ] Â Hamelin v Bruck and Hirschfield [1846] EngR 797; (1846) 9 QB 306; (1846) 115 ER 1290 12 Jun 1846 Stamp Duty Declaration in assumpsit alleged that plaintiff, in France, drew a bill, for a sum named, on defendant, which defendant accepted. Issues were joined: first, on a plea of non-acceptance; secondly, on a traverse of a plea alleging that plaintiff, after the acceptance and without defendant’s consent, changed the purport of the bill by altering the sum for which it was drawn. On the trial it appeared that the bill had been originally drawn in Paris for a larger sum than that named, but that defendant had accepted for a smaller sum. In the body of the bill the sum originally named had been altered to that for which defendant had accepted, but it did not appear by whom, or at what time or place, the alteration had been made. No stamp was on the bill. Held, that plaintiff was entitled to a verdict on both issues : the acceptance by defendant furnishing evidenCe that he assented to the insertion of the smaller sum; and it not being shewn that the alteration, even if made by the parties contrary to their original intention was made in England, so as to render a stamp requisite. [ Commonlii ] Â |
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