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Personal Injury - From: 1993 To: 1993

This page lists 19 cases, and was prepared on 02 April 2018.

Woodrup v Nicol [1993] PIQR Q104
Russell LJ
Personal Injury, Damages
To decide the reasonableness of private medical and related expenses, regard must be had to section 2(4) [of the 1948 Act], which entails: "if, on the balance of probabilities, a plaintiff is going to use private medicine in the future as a matter of choice, the defendant cannot contend that the claim should be disallowed because National Health Service facilities are available. On the other hand, if, on the balance of probabilities, private facilities are not going to be used, for whatever reason, the plaintiff is not entitled to claim for an expense which he is not going to incur."
Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1948 2(4)
1 Citers

 Anderson v Davis; QBD 1993 - [1993] PIQR Q87
McWhinney v British Coal Corporation 1993 SLT 467

Personal Injury, Damages, Scotland
A 41 year old man claimed that as a result of an accident, he was able to walk only 50 yards at a time and that with the assistance of a stick, and who was described as being for all practical purposes unlikely to ever work again.
1 Citers

Blamire v South Cumbria Health Authority [1993] P1QR Q1
Garland J, Steyn LJ
Damages, Personal Injury, Education
When assessing damages for losses arising through professional negligence by a school, the court arrived at a lump sum representing the loss of the opportunity to gain employment at the end of a successful period of education. The onus of proving what the plaintiff would have earned had he not been injured and what he was now likely to earn rested on the plaintiff throughout.
1 Citers

Goldfinch v Scannell [1993] PIQR 143

Personal Injury

1 Citers

 Stubbings v Webb and Another; HL 10-Feb-1993 - Gazette, 10 February 1993; [1999] AC 498; [1993] 2 WLR 120; Times, 17 December 1992
Topp v London Country Bus (South West) Ltd Gazette, 12 May 1993; Ind Summary, 22 February 1993
22 Feb 1993

Negligence, Personal Injury, Transport
A Bus Company had no duty of care to a victim of an accident caused by a thief who had stolen their bus. Company is not liable in negligence for having left bus with key in it to victim of thief's driving.

Dunn v British Coal Corporation Gazette, 21 April 1993; Independent, 10 March 1993
10 Mar 1993

Litigation Practice, Personal Injury
Medical history disclosure was not limited to injury since the matters revealed could affect earnings losses claim.

 Talbot v Berkshire County Council; CA 23-Mar-1993 - Times, 23 March 1993; [1994] QB 290
Regina v Criminal Injuries Compensation Board Ex Parte P Independent, 29 April 1993
29 Apr 1993

Personal Injury
A claim under the scheme is to be understood as a privilege and rules excluding some claims not perverse.
1 Citers

 Hunt v Severs; CA 13-May-1993 - Independent, 13 May 1993; Times, 13 May 1993
Sally Ann Smith v Marchioness/Bowbelle Gazette, 14 July 1993
14 Jul 1993

Personal Injury
Descriptions of calculations for dependency losses for adult child.

McFarlane v EE Caledonia Ltd [1993] EWCA Civ 13
29 Jul 1993

Personal Injury
Claim for damages - psychiatric damage - witness to major fire.
[ Bailii ]
McFarlane v EE Caledonia Ltd. [1993] EWCA Civ 27
29 Jul 1993

Personal Injury

[ Bailii ]

 Knowles v Liverpool City Council; HL 15-Oct-1993 - Ind Summary, 15 November 1993; Times, 15 October 1993; [1994] ICR 243; [1993] 1 WLR 1428; [1993] 4 All ER 321; 91 LGR 629; [1993] IRLR 568; [1994] 1 Lloyd'ds Rep 11; [1994] PIQR P8; (1993) 143 NLJ 1479
Smith v Cribben [1994] PIQR 218; [1993] EWCA Civ 30
29 Oct 1993
Dillon, Nolan, RocH LJJ
Personal Injury

[ Bailii ]

 Rafiq Mughal v Reuters Ltd; QBD 2-Nov-1993 - Times, 10 November 1993; Independent, 02 November 1993
Woolger v West Surrey and North East Hampshire Health Authority Times, 05 November 1993
5 Nov 1993

Personal Injury
A nurse uses her own professional judgement on lifting; the employer hospital was not liable for injury.

P and Others v Keleman Independent, 12 November 1993
12 Nov 1993

Personal Injury
Damages were awarded (1st time) against a father for the sexual abuse of his children.

Copyright 2014 David Swarbrick, 10 Halifax Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 2AG.