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Land - From: 1999 To: 1999This page lists 135 cases, and was prepared on 02 April 2018. ÂMcLennan v Attorney-General [1999] 2 NZLR 469 1999 Smellie J Commonwealth, Land "For the purpose of a valid offer to sell land under s 40(2)(c) of the Public Works Act 1981 the date on which the current market value is to be determined is the date on which the land is validly offered back or the date on which the valid offer back should have been made, if it is established that there has been a failure to act timeously and with due expedition in all the circumstances of the particular case, in determining to make an endeavour to sell the land in terms of s 40(1) and in determining to offer to sell the land in terms of s 40(2)." Public Works Act 1981 (New Zealand) 40(2)(c) 1 Citers  Wagstaff v Department of Environment Transport and the Regions [1999] 2 EGLR 108 1999 Land 1 Citers  Prabhuhai and Manubhai Patel v Walsall Metropolitan District Council ACQ/103/1999 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  West v Sharp (1999) 79 P & CR 32 1999 CA Mummery LJ Land Mummery LJ set out the test to be applied when asking whether there had been a substantial interference in the exercise of an easement so as to be actionable: "Not every interference with an easement, such as a right of way, is actionable. There must be a substantial interference with the enjoyment of it. There is no actionable interference with a right of way if it can be substantially and practically exercised as conveniently after as before the occurrence of the alleged obstruction. Thus, the grant of a right of way in law in respect of every part of a defined area does not involve the proposition that the grantee can in fact object to anything done on any part of the area which would obstruct passage over that part. He can only object to such activities, including obstruction, as substantially interfere with the exercise of the defined right as for the time being is reasonably required by him. Authority for that is to be found in the judgment of Russell L.J. in Keefe v. Amor [1965] 1 Q.B. 334 at 347. As Scott J. held in Celsteel Ltd v. Alton House Ltd [1985] 1 W.L.R. 204 at 217: "There emerge from the three cases I have cited two criteria relevant to the question whether a particular interference with a right of way is actionable. The interference will be actionable if it is substantial. And it will not be substantial if it does not interfere with the reasonable use of the right of way." 1 Citers  Elliot v Safeways Stores Plc [1999] 1 WLR 1396 1999 Land   Marzari v Italy; ECHR 1999 - (1999) 28 EHRR CD 175   Ropaigealach v Barclays Bank plc; CA 6-Jan-1999 - Times, 06 January 1999; Gazette, 10 February 1999; [1998] EWCA Civ 1960; [2000] QB 263; [1999] 4 All ER 235  Britannia Building Society v Brian Sylvester Barclay and the Executors of Ivylyn Delattiboudier (Deceased) [1999] EWCA Civ 537 12 Jan 1999 CA Land Posssession under mortgage. [ Bailii ]  Bristol and West Plc v Victor Babatunde Sunday Olaku Victoria Edith Olaku [1999] EWCA Civ 536 12 Jan 1999 CA Simon Brown LJ, Wilson J Land Mortgagor's application for leave to appeal against an order allowing the plaintiff lenders, Bristol & West, finally to execute a warrant for possession which they obtained long since. [ Bailii ]  National Westminster Bank v Iqbal Abdulla Bhatti and Gertrude Margaret Bhatti [1999] EWCA Civ 561 13 Jan 1999 CA Land Appeal against mortgage possession order. [ Bailii ]  Valerie Ethel Violet Pitman v Barclays Bank Plc [1999] EWCA Civ 585 15 Jan 1999 CA Equity, Land Equitable set-off. [ Bailii ]  Manchester Airport Plc v Dutton and others [1999] EWCA Civ 596; [2000] 1 QB 133 18 Jan 1999 CA Land 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Micro Leisure Limited v County Properties and Developments Limited and Keeper of the Registers of Scotland [1999] ScotCS 25 19 Jan 1999 SCS Lord Hamilton Scotland, Land [ Bailii ] - [ ScotC ]  Susan Maher v Shaharukh Nazir Selma Nazir [1999] EWCA Civ 632 21 Jan 1999 CA Land, Litigation Practice Application for security for costs. [ Bailii ]  Al-Sabah v Ali and Others [1999] EWHC 840 (Ch); [1999] EG 11 22 Jan 1999 ChD Ferris J Torts - Other, Land, Legal Professions, Professional Negligence The claimant alleged the fraudulent transfer of properties by use of a forged power of attorney. Held. The power was fraudulent. Solicitors had acted under the instructions of the agent. The court referred to the Law Society's practice guidance after Penn and said "If instructions come to a solicitor not from the client himself but from a third party claiming to represent the client, the solicitor needs to take special care to satisfy himself that the client wishes him to act, by seeking the client personally or obtaining written confirmation from the client or taking some other step which is sufficient, in the circumstances, to show that the client wants the solicitor to act for him in the matter in question." Nor had the solicitors verified that the vendor had received the proceeds of sale. They were liable in negligence. Any indemnity from the Land Registry would be reduced according to the contribution from the solicitors. Land Registration Act 1925 83(2) 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Prudential Assurance Company Limited v Waterloo Real Estate Inc Times, 08 February 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 642 22 Jan 1999 CA Land, Limitation Where title to land was to be established by adverse possession, the claim had to be unequivocal only in the sense that the intention to possess was clear to the world. It was unnecessary for the dispossessed party to know of the title he lost. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Collier v Tugwell [1999] EWCA Civ 645 22 Jan 1999 CA Lord Justice Simon Brown, Mr Justice Wilson Land, Trusts The parties were joint owners as tenants in common in equity of land. Each appealed orders with regard to its sale, and the division of the proceeds. The parties had bought the property intending to cohabit. They had contributed unevenly, and the claimant had subsequently contributed to repay part of the capital of the mortgage. The parties had in effect agreed that the claimant would buy the respondent's interest. Held: The maths were relatively simple. The judge had kept a close but not unfair control over mutual cross examination by two litigants in person. The property had been valued at less than the purchase price. It was wrong to allow the defendant to avoid the risk of his investment. Any error in valuation was balanced by the judges failure to require to be taken into account the costs of a sale. Appeal dismissed. Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 14 [ Bailii ]   Freeguard v Rogers; CA 26-Jan-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 658  Halifax v Lucie Maame Ekeleba Blay, Ekua Yvonne Bentsi-Enchill [1999] EWCA Civ 686 1 Feb 1999 CA Chadwick, Laws LJJ Land Appeal against mortgage possession order. [ Bailii ]   Halifax v Taffs; CA 2-Feb-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 698  Walter Frederick Scutt v John Lomax [1999] EWCA Civ 717 4 Feb 1999 CA Judge, Tuckey LJJ Damages, Land The claimant sought damages for trespass to two plots comprising about one fifth of an acre. They had over many years gardened it and tended it. The defendant had bulldozed the entire area. Held: The diminution in the value of the land was not an appropriate measure of damages in respect of this trespass. The court considered the measure of damages in trespass: "Where trespass by the defendant has caused damage to the claimant's land, the claimant may be entitled to the diminution in the value of the land or the reasonable cost of reasonable reinstatement, or in some cases a figure in between. All will depend on the circumstances of the particular case, but the authorities seem to me to establish the following general propositions. 1. The claimant will ordinarily be entitled to the diminution in value of the property unless the reasonable claimant would have reinstated the land at less cost. 2. The claimant who has in fact reinstated the property will ordinarily be entitled to recover the reasonable cost of doing so, even if the cost is greater that the diminution in value, unless he has acted unreasonably in reinstating the property. 3. Where the claimant has not yet reinstated the property, (subject to 4 and 5 below) he will ordinarily be entitled to recover the reasonable cost of reasonable reinstatement, even if it is greater than the diminution in value. 4. In assessing what is the reasonable cost of reasonable reinstatement, the court will consider whether the amount awarded is objectively fair; that is fair to both parties. In particular the court will not award a sum which is out of proportion to the benefit conferred on the claimant. 5. In assessing what steps it is reasonable to take by way of reasonable reinstatement, the court will take account of the cost of the reinstatement. Thus it may not be reasonable fully to reinstate the property because the cost of doing so may not be justified. All will depend on the circumstances of the particular case." 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Manchester Airport Plc v Lee Dutton and others [1999] EWCA Civ 844; [2000] 1 QB 133; [1999] 2 All ER 675; (2000) 79 P & CR 541; [1999] 1 EGLR 147; [1999] 3 WLR 524; [1999] EG 31 23 Feb 1999 CA Laws LJ, Chadwick LJ Land The claimant sought an order requiring delivery of possession of land occupied by the respondent objectors. They needed to remove trees from the land in order to construct a runway on their own adjacent land. The claimant had been granted a licence to enter on the land to remove the trees. The respondents said the claimant had insufficient interest to found the request for the order. Held: The objectors appeal failed. (Lord Chadwick dissenting) The National Trust could not grant exclusive possession to the claimant. "There is no doubt that a licensee may have a right to exclusive possession without thereby becoming a tenant - for example where the licence is gratuitous - but that will depend on the terms of the licence. " A letter from the National Trust could not assist: "The legal effect of a written document is a matter for the court which has to give effect to its terms. The “right as licensor to enter should the need arise” is not reserved in any express term of the licence; it exists, in my view, because the licence grants no right of possession which would enable the airport company to exclude the National Trust. The right to control access to and egress from the site is not mentioned in the licence; nor is there, in the licence, any mention of responsibility for security measures. " Laws LJ: "in this I hear the rattle of mediaeval chains." The historical law of ejectment was based upon a fiction: "the remedy by way of ejectment was by definition concerned with the case where the plaintiff asserted a better title to the land than the defendant; and the fictions, first introduced in the latter half of the sixteenth century and in effect maintained until 1852, were designed to cut out the consequences of pleading points that might be taken if the plaintiff did not plead his case as to the relevant legal relationships with complete accuracy. " and "there is a logical mistake in the notion that because ejectment was only available to estate owners, possession cannot be available to licensees who do not enjoy de facto occupation. The mistake inheres in this: if the action for ejectment was by definition concerned only with the rights of estate owners, it is necessarily silent upon the question, what relief might be available to a licensee. The limited and specific nature of ejectment means only that it was not available to a licensee; it does not imply the further proposition, that no remedy by way of possession can now be granted to a licensee not in occupation. Nowadays there is no distinct remedy of ejectment; a plaintiff sues for an order of possession, whether he is himself in occupation or not. " The court today has ample power to grant a remedy to a licensee which will protect but not exceed his legal rights granted by the licence. If, as here, that requires an order for possession, the spectre of history (which, in the true tradition of the common law, ought to be a friendly ghost) does not stand in the way. The law of ejectment has no voice in the question; it cannot speak beyond its own limits. " Rules of The Supreme Curt Order 113 Rule 1 - Common Law Procedure Act 1852 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Manchester Airport Plc v Dutton; Longmire; Stoddard; Maile and Persons Unknown Gazette, 03 March 1999; Times, 05 March 1999; Gazette, 17 March 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 897; [2000] 1 QB 133 4 Mar 1999 CA Chadwick, Laws LJJ Land The claimant wished to construct a new runway on its own land, and it was necessary to carry out works, namely, that trees on nearby land should be lopped or felled so that they would not constitute an obstruction to the flight path. The claimant had been granted a licence by the National Trust to enter and occupy this land for these purpose. The purpose for which the licence is granted is to enable the works agreed between the parties . . to be carried out. The Defendants objected to what was proposed and, without any licence from anyone, set up encampments on the land so as to make it difficult or impossible to lop and fell the trees. The Claimants started possession proceedings under RSC Order 113. Held: A temporary stay was granted. A licensee, prevented by the acts of a squatter from exercising the rights of occupation, given by the licence, was entitled to apply for possession even though he himself might not be in occupation under the licence. Chadwick LJ said: "possession is synonymous . . with exclusive occupation - that is to say occupation (or a right to occupy) to the exclusion of all others, including the owner or other person with superior title." 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Director of Public Prosecutions v Jones and Lloyd; HL 4-Mar-1999 - Times, 05 March 1999; Gazette, 17 March 1999; Gazette, 31 March 1999; [1999] 2 AC 240; [1999] UKHL 5; [1999] 2 WLR 625; [1999] 2 All ER 257; (1999) 6 BHRC 513; (1999) 3 CHRLD 4  Woolls v Powling Times, 09 March 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 751 9 Mar 1999 CA Land A plan attached to a conveyance for identification purposes only' could still be used, when clear, to determine just where the boundary lay. If the transfer is clear, extrinsic evidence cannot be used to clarify the precise boundary. The combined expressions used in a conveyance to import a plan 'for identification purposes only' and 'more particularly identified on' were used. The judge had admitted extrinsic evidence, that is oral evidence, as to discussions between the parties regarding the boundary wall prior to the conveyance. Held: the appeal was allowed. The plan did not conflict with the description of the property in the conveyance and so the judge had been in error in admitting this extrinsic evidence. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Bristol and West Plc v Victor Babatunde Sunday Olaku and Victoria Edith Olaku [1999] EWCA Civ 937 10 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Okolie v Barclays Bank Plc [1999] EWCA Civ 943 10 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Halifax Plc v David Gopee and Lyn Gopee [1999] EWCA Civ 980 15 Mar 1999 CA Land Application for leave to appeal against dismissal of request for suspension of possession order made in mortgage possession proceedings. [ Bailii ]  Stevens v Dorset County Council [1999] EWHC Admin 233 16 Mar 1999 Admn Land Public right of way Highways Act 1980 116 [ Bailii ]  Ian Martin Pittaway; Smith and Williamson Trust Corporation Limited v Mandex Limited [1999] EWCA Civ 1020 18 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Skerritts of Nottingham Limited v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions, Harrow London Borough Council; Admn 22-Mar-1999 - Times, 25 May 1999; Gazette, 31 March 1999; [1999] EWHC Admin 250  Alexander and Costello v Halifax Plc [1999] EWCA Civ 1046 22 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Wynn Realisations Ltd v Vogue Holdings Inc [1999] STC 524; [1999] BVC 245; [1999] EWCA Civ 1087; [1999] BTC 5224 24 Mar 1999 CA Morritt LJ Land, VAT Morritt LJ said: "First, VAT, where payable, is charged by reference to the value of the supply which, when in money, is to be taken to be such amount as with the addition of the VAT is equal to the consideration: the price is VAT inclusive. This is apparent from section 19(2) of the 1994 Act. It is for that reason that where VAT is not to be included, the parties normally makes express reference to the fact that the price does not include VAT by reference to a number of formulae, of which "exclusive of VAT" is perhaps the most common." 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Alan Wibberley Building Ltd v Insley; HL 24-Mar-1999 - Times, 30 April 1999; Gazette, 26 May 1999; [1999] UKHL 15; [1999] 1 WLR 894; [1999] 24 EG 160; [1999] NPC 54; (1999) 78 P & CR D19; (1999) 78 P & CR 327; [1999] EG 66; [1999] 2 EGLR 89; [1999] 2 All ER 897  Abbey National Mortgages Plc v Powell [1999] EWCA Civ 1074 24 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland v Brunswick Development (1987) Ltd and Another; HL 24-Mar-1999 - Times, 05 May 1999; [1999] UKHL 16  Wynn Realisation Ltd (In Administration) v Vogue Holdings Inc [1999] STC 524; [1999] EWCA Civ 1087; [1999] BTC 5224; [1999] BVC 245 24 Mar 1999 CA Morritt, Auld, Clarke LJJ VAT, Land Appeal of Wynn Realisations Ltd from an order dismissing the claim of Wynn to £107,250 as being part of the price due but unpaid on the sale of certain land by Wynn to the defendant Vogue Holdings Incorporated. The sum represented the VAT element, the contract expreessin the purchase price to be exclusive of VAT. Held; The appeal suceeed, and the sum representing vAt was payable. The parties considered that no VAT would be payable or that it could only be payable if the option to tax were taken, but the reason VAT is payable has nothing do with whether or not Wynn opted to tax. [ Bailii ]  Barker v Johnson and Johnson [1999] EWCA Civ 1088 25 Mar 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Locabail (UK) Ltd and Another v Waldorf Investment Corporation and Others; ChD 31-Mar-1999 - Times, 31 March 1999; Gazette, 19 May 1999  Anne Hyde Earnshaw; Marion Robinson and Lucy Hyde Fielden v Josephine Hyde Hartley Gazette, 21 April 1999; Times, 29 April 1999; Gazette, 12 May 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1141; [2000] Ch 155 31 Mar 1999 CA Lord Justice Nourse Lord Justice Buxton And Sir Christopher Staughton Land, Wills and Probate, Limitation An administrator de son tort, who was also a beneficiary, held the estate property on trust, and so could not establish adverse possession against the estate during the period of trusteeship. He held a sufficient interest in the assets already. A delay in the application for the grant did not apply where time had not in any event begun to run before the application Limitation Act 1980 Sch 1 Para 9 - Administration of Estates Act 1925 9 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Target Holdings Ltd v Priestley and Another Gazette, 08 April 1999; Gazette, 06 May 1999; Times, 13 May 1999 8 Apr 1999 ChD Land, Contract An oral contract by which a lender agreed to accept repayments of arrears under a mortgage at a certain rate was valid in law despite non-compliance with the section. It was however a contract of disposition, not an executory contract and not caught. A compromise of repayments under a mortgage was valid despite lack of formality. Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 2  Alliance and Leicester Plc v John Sidney Godolphin [1999] EWCA Civ 1157 14 Apr 1999 CA Banking, Land [ Bailii ]   Berkshire Capital Funding Limited v Street and Barker, Nationwide Building Society; CA 14-Apr-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 1158; (1999) 78 P&CR 321  John Hanson v South West Electricity Board [1999] EWCA Civ 1164 14 Apr 1999 CA Land, Contract No obligation on seller's solicitor to provide completion statement. [ Bailii ]  Northern Rock Plc v Vijesh Pattni [1999] EWCA Civ 1206 19 Apr 1999 CA Roch, Otton LJJ Land Application for permission to appeal against mortgagee's possession order. [ Bailii ]  Kathleen Alexandra Loder v Timothy Roger Gaden; Vera Anne Gaden and Thomas Gaden [1999] EWCA Civ 1213 20 Apr 1999 CA Land Extent of public right of way. 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Leeds Permanent Building Society v Abdul Khaliq and Somirun Nessa Khaliq [1999] EWCA Civ 1237 22 Apr 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Etridge v Pritchard Englefield (Merged With Robert Gore and Co) [1999] EWCA Civ 1273; [1999] EWCA Civ 1280 28 Apr 1999 CA Land, Equity, Banking, Legal Professions, Undue Influence [ Bailii ] - [ Bailii ]   Chassagnou and Others v France; ECHR 29-Apr-1999 - 25088/94; (1999) 29 EHRR 615; 28331/95; [1999] ECHR 22; 28443/95  City and Country Investments Limited v Osborne and Another [1999] EWCA Civ 1347 6 May 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Jones v Stones Times, 03 June 1999; Gazette, 03 June 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1379; [1999] 1 WLR 1749 11 May 1999 CA Aldous LJ Land, Limitation No defence of acquiescence or estoppel arose from a failure by a land owner to pursue a complaint. Such a defence could only be established by some positive act of encouragement or allowance by him. The heart of the action lay in the allowance of a belief to develop as to the rightness of the position. 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Anneliese Kathe West and Harry William West v Peter Llewelyn Sharp Gazette, 12 May 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1292 12 May 1999 CA Mummery LJ, Colman J Land A deed granted a right of way 40 ft wide, but the land owner narrowed the area of land over which the easement was enjoyed. The easement dominant owner did not object for many years. Held: The deed was clear, and the original extent of the right remained, but there had been no substantial interference to justify an order either for an injunction or damages. Mummery LJ said: "Not every interference with an easement, such as a right of way, is actionable. There must be a substantial interference with the enjoyment of it. There is no actionable interference with a right of way if it can be substantially and practically exercised as conveniently after as before the occurrence of the alleged obstruction. Thus, the grant of a right of way in law in respect of every part of a defined area does not involve the proposition that the grantee can in fact object to anything done on any part of the area which would obstruct passage over that part. He can only object to such activities, including obstruction, as substantially interfere with the exercise of the defined right as for the time being is reasonably required by him." 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  National Westminster Home Loans v Nadeem Khan Ghazala Khan [1999] EWCA Civ 1395 12 May 1999 CA Aldous LJ, Tuckey LJ Land Appeal against refusal of suspension of warrant for possession. [ Bailii ]   Philip Richard Roberts, Haf Wynne Roberts v Thomas John Roberts, Margaret Sylvia Roberts; CA 12-May-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 1397  Mean Machines Limited v Blackheath Leisure (Carousel) Limited [1999] EWCA Civ 1408 13 May 1999 CA Contract, Land [ Bailii ]  Mahmood Assari v Nicola Wilson [1999] EWCA Civ 1425 17 May 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Lloyds Bank Plc v Selmah Tulsidas and Deepak Tulsidas [1999] EWCA Civ 1437 19 May 1999 CA Land Ex parte application by the applicant for permission to appeal - suspension of warrant for possession. [ Bailii ]  Green and Another v Wheatley Gazette, 03 June 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1442 19 May 1999 CA Stuart Smith LJ, Laws LJ, Jonathan Parker LJ Land, Limitation Where a garage had been built upon land, and allowed to stay there for over twenty years, title had been acquired by adverse possession, and a right of way which might previously have existed over the land, had also been lost. 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Andrew Parker v Graham Hutchings [1999] EWCA Civ 1444 20 May 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Regina v Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration ex parte Balchin and others [1999] EWHC Admin 484 24 May 1999 Admn Dyson J Land, Administrative 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  Denty and Another v Hussein Gazette, 16 June 1999; [1999] 96 (24) LSG 40 26 May 1999 ChD D L Mackie QC Land, Limitation The parties owned adjoining premises. The plaintiffs sought relief, alledging that their rights of way had been infringed. The defendant had erected fences and gates across a service road. Held: Where a party erected a fence obstructing a right of way, the court was able to differentiate between rights of way by foot and vehicular rights of way. The right of way by car had begun only within the prior 20 years. That particular right of way could be enforced by injunction, but not for the extent of use claimed. Prescription Act 1832  Berkshire Capital Funding Ltd v Street et Al Times, 27 May 1999 27 May 1999 CA Land Rights of a first lender to grant tenancies must be respected, and override the rights of a second mortgagee to possession. A mortgagee in possession has full power to grant a tenancy. A mortgagee is not limited by the section. Law of Property Act 1925 99   Burns and Burns v Morton; CA 27-May-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 1514; [1999] 3 All ER 646; [2000] 1 WLR 347  Agodzo v Bristol City Council [1999] EWCA Civ 1517; [1999] 1 WLR 1971 27 May 1999 CA Henry LJ, Holman j Local Government, Land The Council had required the appellant to execute repairs to private sewers serving his properties. When he failed to do them, they did the work, and he now appealed against the costs incurred and charged to him. Building Act 1984 99(1) [ Bailii ]  Andrew Wilson and others v Against a Decision of Lands Tribunal for Scotland [1999] ScotCS 137 8 Jun 1999 SCS Scotland, Land [ Bailii ]  Regina v West London County Court ex parte Christopher Moore [1999] EWCA Civ 1538 9 Jun 1999 CA Land Mortgage possession proceedings. [ Bailii ]  Kenneth Albert Clarke; Marie Elizabeth Clarke v Victor L Oates and Maliga Deri Oates [1999] EWCA Civ 1552 10 Jun 1999 CA Brooke, May, Laws LJJ Land, Contract Boundary dispute 1 Cites [ Bailii ]  David Jacob Waldner v Parochial Church Council of Darby Green and Winchester Diocesan Board of Finance [1999] EWCA Civ 160 17 Jun 1999 CA Lord Justice Otton, and Lord Justice Robert Walker Land The applicant sought leave to appeal out of time against the dismissal of his claim as an abuse of process, being an attempt to relitigate a lost case. He claimed to have had an interest in a house formerly occupied as a matrimonial property. The house had been purchased by the defendants. A land charge had been incorrectly registered. Held: The land charge was not binding unless registered, even if the defendants had had knowledge of it, and the matrimonial court orders also prevented his application. Leave refused. Land Charges Act 1972 4(8) - Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 1 [ Bailii ]  Garrow v Society of Lloyd's Times, 18 June 1999; [1999] BPIR 668 18 Jun 1999 ChD Jacob J Land, Insolvency Lloyds sought to claim against the Names on a 'pay now, sue later' clause. Held: The power to order a stay of execution for possession remained and could be exercised in an appropriate case even though a cross-claim under which it was requested, could have been raised at an earlier stage in the proceedings. There was no hard rule of law to prevent such a request. Jacob J said: "The other point urged upon me was the 'pay now sue later' clause. Mr Garrow had agreed that if he was to bring a cross claim he would nonetheless pay the claim at once. This is of course true, and if he had the means then I have no doubt that he should be made to do so. But I am concerned with whether the draconian effect of the bankruptcy should be imposed when he may have a perfectly good cross claim. It seems to me that this would be disproportionate, given the fact that with the Commercial Court decision likely soon, there is no tangible benefit to be had." 1 Citers   London Borough of Bromley v Morritt; CA 21-Jun-1999 - [1999] EWCA Civ 1631; [1999] 78 P & CR D37  Regina v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions ex parte Dorset County Council [1999] EWHC Admin 582; [2000] JPL 396 22 Jun 1999 Admn Dyson J Land The court was asked to review a decision not to confirm a public right of way. The court considered whether the landowner had to show some overt act as evidence of his lack of intention to dedicate the land. Dyson J said: "On the face of it, the language of the proviso is straightforward. All that is required is that there be sufficient evidence of lack of intention to dedicate. Coming to the matter untutored by previous authority, one may be forgiven for thinking that what Parliament intended was that the tribunal of fact simply decide as a matter of fact whether there is or is not sufficient evidence of intention to dedicate…I accept that as a matter of fact the tribunal of fact will rarely, if ever, find that there is sufficient evidence of lack of intention to dedicate in the absence of overt and contemporaneous acts on the part of the owner. I do not, however, think that such a requirement can be spelled out of section 31(1) as a matter of construction." Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 31(1) 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Crest Homes (South West) Limited v Gloucestershire County Council [1999] EWCA Civ 1642 22 Jun 1999 CA Nourse LJ, Swinton Thomas LJ, Mummery LJ Land [ Bailii ]  Mahmood, Mahmood v Rashid and Jabeen [1999] EWCA Civ 1672 24 Jun 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Yaxley v Gotts and Another; CA 24-Jun-1999 - Gazette, 14 July 1999; Times, 08 July 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1680; [1999] 1 WLR 1217; [2000] Ch 162; [1999] EGCS 92; [1999] EWCA Civ 3006; [2000] 1 All ER 711   Regina v Oxfordshire County Council and Another, Ex Parte Sunningwell Parish Council; HL 25-Jun-1999 - Times, 25 June 1999; Gazette, 21 July 1999; [1999] UKHL 28; [2000] 1 AC 335; [1999] 3 ALL ER 385; [1999] 3 WLR 160; [1999] NPC 74; (2000) 79 P & CR 199; [1999] 2 EGLR 94; [1999] 31 EG 85; [1999] BLGR 651; [2000] JPL 384; [1999] EG 91  Andrew Haden Parrott; Emily van Evera v John Stephen Battye and Mahrokh Fariba Battye [1999] EWCA Civ 1693 28 Jun 1999 CA Land, Contract [ Bailii ]   Jelson Ltd v Derby City Council; ChD 30-Jun-1999 - Times, 22 August 1999; Gazette, 30 June 1999; [1999] 39 EG 149  Regina v Braintree District Council ex parte Halls Times, 21 July 1999; [1999] EWHC Admin 626 2 Jul 1999 Admn Jackson J Local Government, Land Where a local authority had sold a property to a tenant, and the tenant later came back to request the release from one of the covenants given on the sale, the council was free to charge an appropriate sum for that release. It was not a covenant within the deed entitling the council to make a charge, but simply that the covenant restricting the use of the plot to one private dwelling-house was entirely valid. Housing Act 1985 Part V Sch 6 Par 6 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Hepworth Building Products v Coal Authority Times, 09 July 1999; Gazette, 20 October 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1749 2 Jul 1999 CA Costs, Land An offer to settle, expressly open only until the first day of the hearing at the Lands Tribunal could have no significance in the context of a re-hearing ordered by the Court of Appeal some years later. The early offer including the limitation had not been revived, and had no continuing effect in costs. Lands Tribunal Rules 1996 (1996 No 1022) [ Bailii ]  Evans v James (Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas Hopkin Deceased) [1999] EWCA Civ 1759 5 Jul 1999 CA Land, Contract Before the parties called evidence, and having read the papers, the court considered that there was no real defence shown, and invited submissions. Negotiations for the grant of a tenancy had been terminated by the sudden illness of the proposed tenant. His family asserted a contract was concluded. Held: There was no prospect of upholding the assertion that the solicitor's actions bound his client landlord. A solicitor does not have apparent or implied authority to make a contract for the disposal or acquisition of an interest in land on behalf of his client. In this case, and despite the absence of an application for summary judgment the judge had been right to raise the isue, and indeed it should have been raised earlier. Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  John Boissevain v Karl Lindhagen [1999] EWCA Civ 1767 5 Jul 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  A E Reynolds Plc v Pratt; Pratt and Arboine [1999] EWCA Civ 1785 8 Jul 1999 CA Land, Insolvency, Trusts [ Bailii ]  Timothy Ellis v London Borough of Lambeth Times, 28 September 1999; (1999) 32 HLR 596; [1999] EWCA Civ 1807 9 Jul 1999 CA Lord Justice Swinton Thomas Mr Justice Wilson Land, Limitation A squatter claiming possession of land as against a local authority should not have his claim defeated because he had not completed a form which would lead to payment of community charge to the authority. His possession was not thereby made secret, and nor did he represent that nobody was in occupation of the property. The failure to complete the form could not become an estoppel against the claimant. 1 Cites 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Peter A R Hamilton v Thomas E Weston [1999] EWCA Civ 1823 13 Jul 1999 CA Land Application for leave to appeal - boundary dispute. [ Bailii ]  Kashif Mallick v Liverpool City Council Times, 24 July 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1832 14 Jul 1999 CA Land Where payment of compensation for the compulsory purchase of land was delayed, the interest set down by the Act as prescribed from time to time was the only compensation payable for that delay. The claimant's losses in this case by way of loss of rental income had already been provided for in the calculation of the capital sum payable. Land Compensation Act 1961 52 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Regina v Leeds City Council ex parte Maloney [1999] EWHC Admin 694 15 Jul 1999 Admn Tucker J Land The claimant gypsy sought judicial review of a decision by the Council to proceed to enforce a possession order in respect of land on which she was encamped. [ Bailii ]  Shariffa Abdul Gani and Nargis Abdul Gani v Salim Abdul Gani [1999] EWCA Civ 1862 15 Jul 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Stanton, Mills; Mills v Blackwell and Blackwell; CA 15-Jul-1999 - Gazette, 28 July 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1852  Mcareavey and Another v Coal Authority Times, 02 September 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1882 19 Jul 1999 CA Land A Lands Tribunal awarding compensation after completion of repairs following subsidence arising from mining works is not restricted to awarding damages for the delay in completion for the subsidence, but may also award damages for any diminution in the value of the property. Coal Mining (Subsidence) Act 1957 [ Bailii ]  Delaware Mansions Limited, Flecksun Limited v The Lord Mayor and Citizens of The City of Westminster [1999] EWCA Civ 1903; 68 Con LR 172; (2000) 32 HLR 664; [2000] BLR 1; [1999] 46 EG 194; [1999] 3 EGLR 68 21 Jul 1999 CA Beldam, Pill, Thorpe LJJ Land, Negligence, Nuisance A number of blocks of mansion flats in Maida Vale were damaged by the root action of a plane tree for which the council were responsible. The freehold in the blocks, known as Delaware Mansions, was sold by the Church Commissioners to the second appellants in 1990 for £1. . The flats were subject to long leases and the first appellant company had been formed to act as the maintenance and service company for the tenants, who owned the company. The second appellant company was formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of the first appellant company. In 1989, there were reports of cracking in parts of the structure of the blocks and engineers were instructed on behalf of the first appellants. The engineers submitted a brief report and this was followed by further investigation. At a time after the second appellants had become freeholders, the appellants' expert opinion was disclosed to the council. The engineers believed, as the judge put it, that "either the tree should be felled or the property should be underpinned". The cost of remedial work if the tree had been felled was very small and, it is common ground, can be ignored for present purposes. The removal of the tree would have ended the nuisance. Thr court was asked whether the Council was liable in uisance. 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Woolwich Building Society v Isaac Tuvyahu and Shoulamit Tuvyahu [1999] EWCA Civ 1975 26 Jul 1999 CA Land Leave to appeal granted. [ Bailii ]  Alexander and Costello v Halifax Plc [1999] EWCA Civ 1991 28 Jul 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]  Abubakare Olayiwola Shewu ; Salimot Adetola Shewu and Richmond Upon Thames London Borough Council v London Borough of Hackney Gazette, 11 August 1999; Times, 28 September 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1990 28 Jul 1999 CA Land When assessing the value of land compulsorily purchased, the value was that agreed at the date of entry. The existence of a mortgage was not relevant. The authority had a power, but no duty, to repay any mortgage loan, and were not accountable for any interest accruing for any delay. That loss did not flow from the compulsory purchase order. [ Bailii ]  Metropolitan Resources Limited v British Railways Board and William Lucas Charles Batchelor [1999] EWCA Civ 2020 29 Jul 1999 CA Land, Litigation Practice [ Bailii ]  Margery Hale v Norfolk County Council [1999] EWCA Civ 2050 30 Jul 1999 CA Land Application for leave to appeal. Whether land formned part of garden or of highway. [ Bailii ]  Akobuike Udeozo v Gertrude Odogwu [1999] EWCA Civ 2033 30 Jul 1999 CA Land, Trusts [ Bailii ]  Jelson Ltd v Derbyshire County Council [1999] 3 EGLR 91; (2000) JPL 203 1 Aug 1999 Land, Planning Section 2 of the 1989 Act had to bite at the point where a party could be compelled, in certain circumstances, which could or could not come about, to sell or dispose of an interest in land. The agreement here contained in effect an option for the council to nominate a housing association to which Jelson was required to convey land at a price and on conditions contained in the schedules. As the relevant parts of the agreement did, but for the section, commit Jelson to convey the property, they were of no effect since they lacked the signature of the purchaser. Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 2 - Town and Country Planning Act 1990 106 1 Cites 1 Citers  Doreen Edna Miles v Secretary of State for Environment and Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames [1999] EWCA Civ 2078 11 Aug 1999 CA Land [ Bailii ]   Carroll v Manek and Another; ChD 18-Aug-1999 - Times, 18 August 1999  Banque National De Paris Plc v Montman Ltd and others Times, 02 September 1999 2 Sep 1999 ChD Land A person claiming to be 'interested' in property had to demonstrate either some proprietary interest or similar or that he was directly affected by a charging order. An unsecured creditor could not take priority over the liquidator in seeking to overturn a charging order predating the winding up. Charging Orders Act 1979  Woolwich Plc v Lorna Margaret Gomm, Ian Graham Fairbairn Gazette, 08 September 1999; Times, 21 September 1999; [1999] EWCA Civ 1989 21 Sep 1999 CA Land, Undue Influence A borrower took out a loan under undue influence. The test of whether the lender was fixed with notice of this was an objective one. The lender was fixed with the knowledge of its agent solicitor, but whether it was so fixed was not dependent upon the terms of the particular appointment of that solicitor agent. Law of Property Act 1925 199 [ Bailii ]  Mortgage Corporation v Lambert and Co (A Firm) and Another Times, 11 October 1999 11 Oct 1999 ChD Limitation, Land Estimates of the real values of houses which had been taken as security for loans were not sufficiently precise to forewarn a lender of the damage resulting from earlier negligent valuations, and accordingly the lender was not fixed with notice by the estimates, and time did not begin to run against them. Limitation Act 1980 14A(10) 1 Cites 1 Citers   Palmer and Another v Bowman and Another; CA 27-Oct-1999 - [2000] 1 All ER 22; Gazette, 27 October 1999; Times, 10 November 1999; [2000] 1 WLR 842  Farrell v First National Bank Plc [1999] EWLands ACQ_10_1997 1 Nov 1999 LT Land LT COMPENSATION - mortgagee but not claimant appearing - unfit house - interior but not exterior well maintained - Housing Act 1985 Schedules 23 and 24 - whether entitlement to owner-occupier supplement - alternatively whether compensation to include well-maintained payment - evidence not establishing that claimant had interest in house throughout Schedule 24 qualifying period - no jurisdiction in Lands Tribunal to determine entitlement to well-maintained payment - site value compensation only [ Bailii ]  Nutt and Another v Read and Another Gazette, 03 November 1999; Gazette, 03 December 1999; (1999) 32 HLR 716 3 Nov 1999 CA Chadwick LJ, Thorpe and Morritt LJJ Land, Landlord and Tenant The parties had contracted for the letting of land and transfer as in personam of a chalet erected upon it. The parties having completed the deals could not then agree what was to have been paid. Held: The first agreement was void for common mistake and that the second should be set aside or rescinded in equity. They had both acted in ignorance of the chalet having become part of the land, and that though a statutory tenancy had come into being, it was right to unravel the arrangement even after some considerable time and after improvements. Housieng Act 1988 1 Citers  Kenneth Starling v Lloyds TSB Bank plc Times, 12 November 1999; Gazette, 10 November 1999 10 Nov 1999 CA 29 October 1999 Banking, Land The setting aside of the statutory power of a mortgagor in possession to grant a lease, by the mortgage itself did not create in the lender a duty of good faith properly to consider a request from the mortgagor for permission to let the property. It was wrong to attempt to import such a duty from a very different area of law. Law of Property Act 1925 99 1 Cites 1 Citers  Holder and Others v APC Supperstone and Others Gazette, 08 December 1999; [2001] 1 All ER 473; [1999] EWHC Ch 189 24 Nov 1999 ChD Land, Insolvency Tenants obtained a charging order against their landlord, and, after his bankruptcy, incurred substantial costs defending their charge against other claimants. The trustee declined to allow payment of the costs. Held: The costs were properly payable under the Act. The charge operated also as an equitable charge, and such a charge would carry the costs of defending the chargee's rights. A charging order covers not only the judgment debt, but also future interest on the debt and "all costs charges and expenses reasonably and properly incurred in enforcing or preserving (the) security." Charging Orders Act 1979 1(1) 3(4) 1 Citers [ Bailii ]   Monsanto Plc v Tilly and Others; CA 30-Nov-1999 - Times, 30 November 1999; [2000] ENV LR 313; [1999] EWCA Civ 3044; [1999] EG 143  Lewin (Trading Standards Officer) v Barratt Homes Ltd Gazette, 01 December 1999 1 Dec 1999 QBD Crime, Land New houses were advertised for sale. Pictures of the house were available, with some disclaimers as to minor variations, but the houses actually built had greater deviation. The builder claimed the statements were not descriptions of existing properties, but they knew they could not build the houses as described. Held: The case was remitted to the magistrates with a direction to convict. Property Misdescriptions Act 1991  Margaret Dunlop Harvey v Mactaggart and Mickel Limited [1999] ScotCS 286 2 Dec 1999 IHCS Lord McCluskey and Lord Caplan and Lord Osborne Scotland, Land [ Bailii ] - [ ScotC ]  Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Services Ltd v Sabherwal [1999] EWCA Civ 3042; (1999) 80 P & CR 256 17 Dec 1999 CA Robert Walker LJ Land An equity arising from a proprietary estoppel is not an "equitable interest" capable of being overreached pursuant to section 2 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Law of Property Act 1925 2 1 Citers [ Bailii ]  Grindal and Another v Hooper and Others Gazette, 17 December 1999; Gazette, 20 January 2000; Times, 08 February 2000 17 Dec 1999 ChD Land, Equity A conveyance to joint tenants required any severance of the joint tenancy, to be recorded by endorsing the notice of severance on the transfer. The joint tenancy was purported to be severed, but no notice was endorsed. The failure to endorse the notice could not defeat the validity of the severance. The purpose of the clause was to assist any purchaser in obtaining good title, and was not intended to limit the effect of any severance as between the tenants.  Risbylane Ltd, Re [1999] EWLands LRA_25_1999 21 Dec 1999 LT Land [ Bailii ]  Risbylane Ltd, Re [1999] EWLands LRA_25_1999 21 Dec 1999 LT Land [ Bailii ]  Adam v Woking Borough Council LCA/88/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Whiting and Another v Wychavon District Council ACQ/90/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land  W L and A P Prielipp v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport v Regions (new version) ACQ/127/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  T R James v Shropshire County Council ACQ/110/99 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Ranks Leisure and Others v Castle Vale Housing Action Trust ACQ/168/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Bhattacharjee v Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council ACQ/10/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land  Joseph R Richards and Joanne V Richards v Somerset County Council ACQ/23/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  David John Evans v Worcestershire County Council ACQ/26/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Pendle Borough Council ACQ/27/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  James Mooney v West Lindsey District Council LCA/98/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Unknown, Tidmarsh Estate Ltd, Unknown v London Borough of Islington ACQ/79/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Hamden Homes Ltd LP/38/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Alan Racheter v Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council ACQ/138/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Clarke v The Highways Agency LCA/92/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  John H Smith v Highways Agency LCA/123/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Marcello Developments Limited LP/18/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  The Girls Day School Trust (1872) LP/19/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  R I Diggens, M H King, R H Cox v G A Cox LP/27/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land 1 Citers [ LT ]  Davies v Murphy LP/32/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Anthony Ronald Peacock v Lesley Susan Bartolomeo LP/37/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  Robert Ian Coupar v London Borough of Newham ACQ/59/1999 31 Dec 1999 LT Land [ LT ]  |
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