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Income Tax - From: 1849 To: 1899

This page lists 9 cases, and was prepared on 08 August 2015.

Robert Addie and Sons -v- Solicitor of Inland Revenue (1875) 2 R 431

Lord Deas
Income Tax
When computing profits for tax purposes, the taxpayer is not allowed to deduct any sums for depreciation of capital assets. Lord Deas: "I think it is better not to run the risk of making any confusion in the grounds of judgment by adding anything to what your Lordship has said."
1 Citers

 Calcutta Jute Mills Co Ltd -v- Nicholson; 1876 - [1876] 1 TC 83

 Pryce -v- Monmouthshire Canal and Railway Cos; 1879 - (1879) 4 App Cas 197

 Russell -v- Town and County Bank; HL 1888 - (1888) 13 App Cas 418

 Scottish Union and National Insurance Co -v- Inland Revenue; 1889 - (1889) 16 R 461

 Income Tax Special Commissioners -v- Pemsel; HL 20-Jul-1891 - [1891] AC 531; [1891] UKHL 1
Gresham Life Assurance Society -v- Styles [1892] AC 309

Lord Halsbury LC
Income Tax
Statutory provisions which bring profits and gains into charge to tax are to be construed as directed towards profits and gains in their natural and proper sense � in a sense which no commercial man would misunderstand � and that those words are equally applicable whatever the commercial concern may be.
1 Citers

 Tennant -v- Smith (Surveyor of Taxes); HL 14-Mar-1892 - [1892] UKHL 1; [1892] AC 150

 In re Bennett, Jones -v- Bennett; CA 1896 - [1896] 1 Ch 778
Copyright 2014 David Swarbrick, 10 Halifax Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 2AG.